Ashtrays: Arturo Fuente Cigar Ashtray - Journey Through Time Ivory
Product Number: 001-218-0035
Within the world of cigars, few brands are as storied or well respected as Arturo Fuente, their lineage stretching back to 1912 when their namesake patriarch opened the family's first factory in Tampa, Florida. This ashtray is a symbolic representation of the company's process, with the center image a layered collage of tobacco bundles and leaves, though the most prominent feature is the quartet of busts depicting Arturo, Carlos Sr., and Carlos "Carlito" Fuente Jr., along with the Goddess of Tobacco — a prominent symbol for the brand. The rim of the ashtray includes space for four cigars, sure to make good use of the deep ash well, and bears the text "We will never rush the hands of time," a slogan that speaks to the company's insistence on perfection and their long aging process.