Books: Of Pipes and Men

Product Number: 001-119-0056

Of Pipes and Men by Larry Gosser and Mark Irwin overviews 25 historic pipe-smoking icons — including Jacques Cousteau, Albert Einstein, Greta Garbo, Jackie Kennedy, C.S. Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkien — detailing their lives and legacies in one-page summaries accompanied by individualistic illustrations.

With playful prose and comic-style artwork, Of Pipes and Men tastefully and informatively combines the illustrative prowess of Larry Gosser, an illustrator whose accomplishments include work for Peterson of Dublin as well as a licensed Classic Popeye art-print series, with the literary acumen of Mark Irwin, well known pipe blogger and co-author of The Peterson Pipe: The Story of Kapp & Peterson. It's an ideal resource for every pipe smoker, elevated by quick and easy organization, brief yet detailed biographies, quick wit, and a stylish aesthetic.

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Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
3 reviews
March 02, 2024
Product: Books Of Pipes and Men
Very interesting! Amazing artwork! Definitely worth the $17 - must have for the avid pipe collector
Awesome Artwork
August 30, 2023
Product: Books Of Pipes and Men
This isnot only very informative but the artwork is amazing. A great collaboration by Marl and Larry. This is a must have!!!
Fun and Informative, Worth a Read
February 03, 2022
Product: Books Of Pipes and Men
Don't be put off by the comic book appearance of this volume. This collection of briar-ographies is well-written and wonderfully illustrated. You'll learn something new about each of the 25 pipe smoking icons profiled in this book. If you have some empty wall space in your man cave you should check out artist Larry Gosser's E-Bay store. Each week he has around 25 items up for auction, many of which are pipe-themed. Some are prints of older work and some are one of a kind originals. Most (maybe all) are signed by the artist. This week many of the illustrations from this book are up for auction. Print auctions start out in the $7 - $12 range and his original illustration auctions start in the $30 - $40 range. His E-Bay seller handle is sirclyde55. His store is located here: Give it a look, you won't be disappointed....Read More