Books: Pipe Smoking in Middle Earth: The Fellowship of the Smoke Ring 3rd Edition by Mark Irwin

Product Number: 001-119-0059

Critically acclaimed author, blogger, pipe smoker, and collector, Mark Irwin is the voice behind such books as The Peterson Pipe: The Story of Kapp & Peterson and The Pipes of Basil Rathbone's Sherlock Holmes. Originally published a decade ago, Pipe Smoking in Middle Earth: The Fellowship of the Smoke Rings has been updated for a third edition. The book details the pipes and tobacco of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth and Peter Jackson's corresponding film adaptations. With expert analysis and accompanying illustrations, Mark takes readers on a journey through Tolkien's seminal works, including an index chronicling all pipe-smoking accounts, a tutorial on smoke rings, and much more.

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Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
7 reviews
The only one of its kind.
May 17, 2024
Product: Books Pipe Smoking in Middle Earth: The Fellowship of the Smoke Ring 3rd Edition by Mark Irwin
Yes, it's more of a thick pamphlet than a big book. But show me all the other Middle Earth pipe and tobacco books out there. Point me to the other authors that have cataloged every single mention of smoking in LOTR and The Hobbit and put them all together under one roof. I think this is an essential book for deep fans of LOTR and if you smoke a pipe AND love LOTR, this is essential. As for his feelings about the films, I could care less. The films have moments of true greatness and will be timeless. But the books are what matter, and this is about the books. I enjoyed this very much, and the illustrations are a lot of fun as well....Read More
Decent Illustrations of Middle Earth Pipes...
April 16, 2024
Product: Books Pipe Smoking in Middle Earth: The Fellowship of the Smoke Ring 3rd Edition by Mark Irwin
Well, can't say that I disagree with others who were disappointed with this book, however I did find some of the info about the pipes not seen in the LOTR movies interesting.
Mixed Feelings
January 15, 2023
Product: Books Pipe Smoking in Middle Earth: The Fellowship of the Smoke Ring 3rd Edition by Mark Irwin
Unfortunately I am of the same camp as Artful Codger on this one. The book is not a very long read, and there is plenty of biased conjecture on the author's part about Peter Jackson's films and the purported failure of appreciation for the world of Pipe Smoking. At it's best, it's disappointment at what had been cut or modified for the sake of brevity/context in the film trilogy. At it's worst, it comes across a bit too arrogantly as the author essentially claims that Peter Jackson doesn't understand Tolkien because he's not a pipe smoker. While the author's points are not inherently poor points, I'd argue he does not give a balanced argument overall. His thesis loses focus and strays from offering facts and citations from a series of novels into criticisms directed at the film series more than I think it should. I'd much rather read a book about the changes made from book to film, than hear some guy throw shade almost every opportunity he can. Overall, this book does have some major highlights, which I think justify the purchase. The latter section of the book is an index of chronological references by characters either referencing pipes/pipe weed, or partaking in such activities. It's short, concise, and accessible. The author's summary on pipe smoking characters and their relationship with smoking was well done, as well as an included section about pipe accessories. There's a brief chapter on it but it's a worthy inclusion. The inclusion of a tutorial on how to blow smoke rings feels tremendously out of place. The author's speculation on what could possible be used as building materials for pipes in Tolkien's Legendarium also feels incredibly moot, as it's not supported by any textual citations or evidence indication the assumptions. All in all, it's a fine read that could have been great had it been edited....Read More
Don't Expect Much
November 27, 2022
Product: Books Pipe Smoking in Middle Earth: The Fellowship of the Smoke Ring 3rd Edition by Mark Irwin
I own a first edition of this book, and I'm proud to own it... but be forewarned... there is not much material here. It's very short, and most of the actual text is literally just excerpts from Tolkien's books wherever pipes and pipeweed are mentioned. The rest of the book is quite literally just a smattering of mild assumptions and opinions of the author regarding what he "thinks" a character pipe or race's pipe preferences might be in the stories. He also likes to tell you what the movies got wrong (in his opinion) several times. The only thing of any real value besides Tolkien's own words is the section on smoke rings, but there are videos online that will teach you just as well if not better how to make them.
It's a 15 minute read at most and one you'll probably never do again.
But it looks nice on a tobacco shelf or next to a Library of Tolkien's works, if only for its title and aesthetic.
It isn't a must-have by any means.
...Read More
Join the Fellowship & Celebrate
October 11, 2022
Product: Books Pipe Smoking in Middle Earth: The Fellowship of the Smoke Ring 3rd Edition by Mark Irwin
Such a great read for understanding the mindset of those that inhabit Middle Earth. You will learn about Tolkien’s thinking regarding the pipe AND get a glimpse of your own feelings on the subject. Rejoice & celebrate! Well done indeed, Mr. Irwin!
A Must for LOTR Fans
October 07, 2022
Product: Books Pipe Smoking in Middle Earth: The Fellowship of the Smoke Ring 3rd Edition by Mark Irwin
Another great publication by Mr. Irwin. This is a must read for Tolkien fans.
A must have
October 06, 2022
Product: Books Pipe Smoking in Middle Earth: The Fellowship of the Smoke Ring 3rd Edition by Mark Irwin
A great read. Lots of fun. Filled with great illustrations. A must-read for any pipe smoker and any fan of the Tolkien books! A great Christmas gift too!