Stands & Pouches: Tobacco Pouch Humidifier

Product Number: 001-545-0011

A neat little item, this metal-encased tobacco pouch humidifier serves quite simply to keep whichever blend you prefer to travel about with from drying out in its pouch. It's rather self-explanatory - literally; the directions are stamped on either face.

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Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
44 reviews
October 06, 2024
Product: Stands & Pouches Tobacco Pouch Humidifier
These are very good for what they were designed for. We use them daily.
Great Quality
November 07, 2024
Product: Stands & Pouches Tobacco Pouch Humidifier
Ordered some while back and was happy. We ordered more.
Can you believe it took mammal 65 million years to invent these?
May 18, 2023
Product: Stands & Pouches Tobacco Pouch Humidifier
I have two of these and I used them for the first time this week. Today I ordered four more. These are really swell!
Exactly what I needed
May 06, 2023
Product: Stands & Pouches Tobacco Pouch Humidifier
Very simple way to gain and/or maintain humidification when away from your base storage. Seems to hold up well for my extended time away from home. Like others have said, it is never bad to have a few handy.
Old school
February 01, 2022
Product: Stands & Pouches Tobacco Pouch Humidifier
Can feed more but can't control it.
January 21, 2022
Product: Stands & Pouches Tobacco Pouch Humidifier
Had a good friend from back in the 70’s and 80’s who used to soak these in whiskey and keep these in his pouches of Borkum Riff bourbon whiskey tobacco.
December 29, 2021
Product: Stands & Pouches Tobacco Pouch Humidifier
I just started smoking a pipe this year in the summer. I'm still learning. I bought theses because i noticed that my tobacvo would get too dry and burn too hot. So I ordered a bunch of these and right off I realized i needed one of these for every so many ounces of tobacco. As I'll make up a 12 or 16 oz batch at a time. One of the benefits that I noticed was that the flavor was better. Keeping your tobacco at the right moisture level not only helps with burn rate and a cool smoke, the flavor is way better....Read More
November 12, 2021
Product: Stands & Pouches Tobacco Pouch Humidifier
So easy to use it's ridiculous. Works as described. An inexpensive solution.
Simple and it works.
August 08, 2021
Product: Stands & Pouches Tobacco Pouch Humidifier
Use distilled water, soak for about 10 minutes, and you're good for about a month maybe more. I like my tobacco moist and these keep it that way.
Works great...
February 02, 2021
Product: Stands & Pouches Tobacco Pouch Humidifier
I use them in pouches, jars, and if I don't have jars I put them in ziplocks for a short time.