Tampers & Tools: Dunhill Pipe Reamer - Universal

Product Number: 001-219-0063

Dunhill's pipe-smoking accessories are among the finest in the world and represent the height of luxury. Only the highest quality materials are used, with The White Spot's dedication to deft engineering and elegant aesthetics embodied in each and every product. This T-shaped, Universal Pipe Reamer is the perfect, pocket-friendly tool for removing a pipe chamber's carbon build-up, scraping away excess cake for optimal smoking. This sturdy, metal reamer bears The White Spot's logo and comes stored in a dark, leather cover.

Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
2 reviews
Dunhill universal Pipe Reamer 100%
March 15, 2024
Product: Tampers & Tools Dunhill Pipe Reamer - Universal
Excellent quality as usual with Dunhill products.
I reamed my pipes and got an excellent result .
My only disappointment was the missing leather black cover as on the picture.It came in a black felt pouch instead.
Scrape away!
December 13, 2021
Product: Tampers & Tools Dunhill Pipe Reamer - Universal
Smoke a pipe? Have carbon build up? Use this, it helps. Or so I’m told. I dunno. I just buy Dunhill things and smoke FMC. What do I know?