Gifts: Ebauchon Briar Pipe Kit Acrylic Stem-Straight

Product Number: 001-507-0112

For those who love pipes and want to take a more hands-on approach, our briar pipe kits are the perfect way to get your feet wet in the world of pipe making*. Featuring an ebauchon briar block and a straight, acrylic stem, this pre-drilled piece will allow you to make your own pipe with some simple tools. Many a great carver has started with simple experimentation, and with its drilling and stem already finished, this kit is primed for you to start your pipe-making adventure. Who knows what beautiful grain and intriguing shape lie within?

*Do not make pipes with wet feet. You could slip and fall.

Note: These kits are not photographed individually, so the briar block you receive will have some noticeable differences compared to the one pictured here.

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Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
1 reviews
Solid carving companion
April 03, 2023
Product: Gifts Ebauchon Briar Pipe Kit Acrylic Stem-Straight
This is a great kit to initiate oneself into the whittling world. The blocks come well-drilled and for the most part the stems come well-milled. However, the stems aren't always plumb and that can make finalizing the project a real pain.