Cohiba: Connecticut Tube Toro Cigars
Product Number: 007-411-0028
Originally founded in 1966, Cohiba is among the the most widely recognized names in cigar history thanks to their high quality and palpable prestige. The Cohiba Connecticut is actually the first cigar from the brand made with a Connecticut-seed, shade-grown wrapper. Grown in Ecuador under the natural cloud cover of the Los Rios province, this wrapper surrounds a Mexican San Andrés binder and four different fillers: Brazilian Mata Fina, Dominican Olor, Dominican Piloto Cubano, and an unspecified varietal from Jalapa, Nicaragua. Sure to appeal to enthusiasts of the light leaf, the Cohiba Connecticut is a complex and flavorful cigar, offering notes of honey, cedar, cream, nuts, and berries.
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- Length: 6.50 in./165.10 mm.
- Ring Gauge: 52
- Country: Dominican Republic
- Wrapper Type: Connecticut, Shadegrown
- Wrapper Country: Ecuador
- Filler Country: Brazil, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
- Binder Country: Mexico
- Package Type: Stick
- Make: Handmade
- Box Pressed: Not Box Pressed