Cigar Master Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr. created the La Gloria Cubana Serie R cigars for smokers with a passion for more full-bodied taste. Introduced in 1999, their larger sizes and ring gauges helped create today's tremendous demand for a fuller, richer-flavored smoke.
Very similar to the Serie R # 5 It remains one of my favorites. If you are new to cigars, you might want to work your way up to this. This powerhouse coats the palate with bold, yet refined flavors of black pepper, molasses, earth, cedar,... honey, and an assortment of various sweet and zesty spices. I enjoy them with Bourbon or Dark Rum...Read More
Series R and the series RR are my favorite. I have a thing for large ring gauge cigars. For some reason in my mind a 64 ring gauge cigar smokes longer than a smaller ring guage cigar.
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