Sampler Packs: Timeless Classics (5 Pack) Cigars
Product Number: 007-485-0003
It can be hard to choose the right cigar. With myriad brands, seemingly endless blends, and a vast range of sizes available, even the most experienced cigar smoker can find it exhausting when searching for a new cigar to try — let alone someone first venturing into the hobby. Thankfully, our selection of cigar sampler packs avoids the burden of excessive options, offering a diverse selection of cigars ranging in components, sizes, and brands.
The Timeless Classics sampler features cigars from an array of historically iconic brands. This pack presents the following:
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- Length: N/A
- Ring Gauge: N/A
- Country: N/A
- Wrapper Type: N/A
- Wrapper Country: N/A
- Filler Country: N/A
- Binder Country: N/A
- Package Type: Bundle
- Make: N/A
- Box Pressed: Not Box Pressed