Newminster: No.306 English Orient Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 005-528-0019

No.306, English Orient, is a classic English mixture from Newminster, developed from flue-cured African Virginias, Black Cavendish, Mexican Burleys and Cyprus Latakia. Then, on top of these fantastic tobaccos, a spicy Turkish Samsun grown on the Black Sea coast is added, just to give the final touch of excellence. This non-aromatic blend produces an astonishing array of refined flavors ranging in strength.
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Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
21 reviews
Sillem's London in Bulk?
March 23, 2024
Product: Newminster No.306 English Orient Bulk
This is Samsun-forward. It doesn't dominate, but this borders on a Balkan. The burley isn't what I consider American-flavored; it's a lighter nuanced, less-earthy profile which lacks the toasted oats flavor. The Black Cavendish is unsweetened. It's tangy, and what little sweetness you can find in this mixture is attributable to the Black Cavendish. The Samsun kicks up the flavor profile by adding some dry, buttery, floral spice and it tingles the tongue. The Virginia is way in the background and is herbal and in no way grassy or sweet. Overall, this is an average mixture and in no way is it an eventful experience. It's not one I'd specifically choose to spend time with because I enjoy sweeter and more grassy (Virginia-forward) English mixtures. This would be okay while bird hunting or doing chores... that should give some perspective. The finish is very dry, sour and buttery. You want to chase it with a drink to cleanse. I will say that this also resembles Sillem's London and some of the Gawith English mixtures, without the geranium oil of course. It's not bad, but certainly not great....Read More
Great English
January 10, 2023
Product: Newminster No.306 English Orient Bulk
Good sour smoky flavor, definitely oriental forward, good English flavor that was relatively full bodied, easy to light and smoked cool, probably would be very good in a less challenging pipe, even relights were ok without too much bite, overall good reliable smoke.
Goopy, Sweet, AROMATIC Sugar-Bomb
December 08, 2021
Product: Newminster No.306 English Orient Bulk
The description says “non-aromatic”, but I find that hard to accept. This is definitely an aromatic, even if unintentionally. Maybe I got the bottom of the barrel/bag? It is sopping, dripping wet (think Sutliff Crème Brûlée), gooey, goopy, overly sweet, medicine-y, drenched in artificial vanilla, marshmallowy flavors like a children’s breakfast cereal, loudly sporting a cartoon character on the box. The Latakia is virtually undetectable; the orientals are drowned out almost completely in the syrupy caramel-like sauce. Rude cavendish overpowers everything else while burley and Virginia play a rowdy and unruly supporting role, egging on the belligerence of all parties to this travesty. Everything “English” and “Oriental” — i.e., refined and subtly exotic, respectively — is savagely beaten into submission by the clown show of cotton candy carnival flavors. Why would Newminster claim that this is not aromatic when it so clearly is, especially when they so successfully produce and market other aromatics? "#306 English Orient" saturated in sugar syrup. I’m so confused and disappointed. When this super-soaked aromatic blend first showed up on my doorstep, I contacted Smokingpipes to express my confusion because the description clearly says “non-aromatic”. I did not even have to ask, Smokingpipes sent me a replacement the same day (thanks guys! excellent customer service). But what showed up in the replacement package was the selfsame sugar-coated, gooey, goopy, caramel-vanilla-marshmallow mess. What is happening? I'm living in Bizarro World. But since I have received the same aromatic ab*rtion twice in a row, both times labeled as "Newminster no. 306 English Orient", I can only conclude that this is in fact the genuine article, and that Newminster is reeeeeally stretching the definition of “casing”. Most of us can tell the difference between an aromatic and, say, a Virginia that has been heavily cased. Take for example Newminster’s own #400 Superior Navy Flake. It is technically not an aromatic, but it does smell like a sugarcane processing plant in the bag or tin owing to its sweet casing. However, the flake is relatively dry because it is not topped with heavy flavors and syrups. And I love Superior Navy Flake. I have four pounds of it in my cellar. And I have many other flakes, cakes, ribbons, ropes, and coins which do evince a relatively liberal application of varyingly sweet casings but which are not goopy, sappy messes because "casing" is not "topping". However, #306 English Orient is not just heavily cased. It seems also to be topped with a lake of sugary, artificially flavored goop. I will give it half a star for the very nice orientals they used, but they ruined them by brutalizing the mix with all the childish candy additives....Read More
August 15, 2019
Product: Newminster No.306 English Orient Bulk
Smooth as silk. This is a very refined blend. No one component or flavor overpowers, which is unique in itself, but creates an ensemble. Ina sense, it's own flavor. Luscious, smooth and balanced. Great no bite, all-day smoke. Burns cool and left only white ash. In a world of English blends, this is a rare breed, must have....Read More
Wonderful "committee" blend
July 04, 2019
Product: Newminster No.306 English Orient Bulk
There is plenty of room in the tobacco world for an English blend that insists on allowing all its components equal time. "Will the gentleman from Latakia kindly take his seat?"

Newminster English Orient has a wonderfully round taste, where the Latakia is present in a supporting role. The add
ition of the Turkish leaf and the Cavendish make sure their dark companion doesn't take over, and that makes this blend delightful, especially earlier in the day.

English Orient packs well, lights well (does need a char light) and burns cleanly. Save your "Lat-bombs" for later in the day, and enjoy this with coffee, while writing, or after lunch.
...Read More
Floating on a cloud
August 16, 2019
Product: Newminster No.306 English Orient Bulk
The bag note is a bit muted, but don't let that fool you. A bit moist, packs well though. The smoke is full and it burns cool, really cool once it gets going. No problem keeping the burn going. It took the first third of the bowl before it settled down. The second third was all cocoa, nice semi-sweet chocolate. Never gets hot or bitey. In the last third the latakia began to come thru but that didn't last as the orientals and burley made for a spice and cool smoke. There were hints of sour and sweet, both a pleasant experience. A very good blend....Read More
good good
January 11, 2019
Product: Newminster No.306 English Orient Bulk
This is very good tobacco. I cut it 1/2 star as it is a little hard to get lit. Once you get that out of the way it is smooth sailing.
Best so far
September 21, 2018
Product: Newminster No.306 English Orient Bulk
Rather new at the pipe. Started with aromatics and have found the English blends to be my go to. First bowl and I love it. I think this will be a great all day smoke. It is smooth and almost has a sweetness to it. Definitely will be ordering more of this.
Interesting mixture
April 07, 2019
Product: Newminster No.306 English Orient Bulk
Interesting mixture. Think of a mild english, with a nutt/earthy flavor and slightly sweet on the draw.
mild and spicy
September 06, 2017
Product: Newminster No.306 English Orient Bulk
a mild and spicy english blend