Danish Estates: Sixten Ivarsson Smooth Acorn with Horn (18) (1971) Tobacco Pipe

Product Number: 004-001-17540

Considered the grandfather of artisan pipes, the legendary Sixten Ivarsson was the first to step outside the lathe pipe making monopoly, hand-shaping pieces and developing innovative techniques to form designs that could not otherwise be made on a lathe. Along with this new process, Sixten also brought a functionalist approach to pipe making: Danish functionalism had become a large proponent in architecture and furniture design, emphasizing the material as a starting point for determining the product's design. Though Ivarsson wasn't a trained architect or designer, he incorporated this ideology into his pipe making process, taking into account the briar's grain when shaping and finishing.

Sixten's revolutionary approach began to gain traction and his pieces received more and more acclaim over the years, with other Danish pipe makers seeking tutelage under him — Jess Chonowitsch, Bo Nordh, Jorn Micke, and of course, Sixten's son and granddaughter, Lars and Nanna Ivarsson, being among his most notable students. Later on, Hiroyuki Tokutomi traveled from Japan to Denmark to seek the Danish master's teaching. The names that each of these artisans have since made for themselves in the world of pipe making is testimony to and predicated on the work and teaching of Sixten.

This particular piece is not only fashioned beautifully and engineered impeccably, but it's an incredible piece of pipe making history, having been carved by the man who is to thank for the artisan pipe making movement. Carved back in 1971, this Acorn features a horn shank extension that flares out in traditional Danish fashion with the disc-shaped stem base mimicking that flare before ending in a gentle downturn. The grain orientation is also spectacular, Ivarsson having read the grain perfectly and maximized its potential to the fullest. It's a beautiful piece of the late Danish master and an excellent representation of his influential style that forever changed the pipe making world.

- Jeffery Sitts
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Measurements & Other Details

Rim Darkening Charring Around The Airway Scratches Around The Bowl

(Sun Stamp)
PRODUCT. (Arched)
  • Length: 5.86 in./148.84 mm.
  • Weight: 1.41 oz./39.92 g.
  • Bowl Height: 1.70 in./43.18 mm.
  • Chamber Depth: 1.34 in./34.04 mm.
  • Chamber Diameter: 0.75 in./19.05 mm.
  • Outside Diameter: 1.43 in./36.32 mm.
  • Stem Material: Vulcanite
  • Filter: None
  • Shape: Acorn/Pear
  • Finish: Smooth
  • Material: Briar
  • Country: Denmark
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