Ryan Alden: Smooth Olivewood Pot (Jack of Diamonds) Tobacco Pipe

Product Number: 002-777-0063

We've received pipes crafted from alternative materials such as morta and strawberry wood from Ryan Alden before, but this offering marks the very first pipe crafted from olivewood that we've seen from the Texas-based artisan. This example also notably wears one of Alden's rarely seen smooth finishes, as his portfolio primarily features a diverse range of pipes finished in exceptional sandblasts. Here, Ryan has stayed true to the archetypal Pot shape, with the hearty bowl proudly displaying its broad, stout proportions front and center. It immediately catches the eye, with the comparatively trimmer round shank and saddle stem further accentuating its visual weight in profile and effectively utilizing negative space. Said bowl definitely warrants all that attention as olivewood is renowned for its iconic, ink-swirled grain and such is the case with this example. Fascinating streaks of grain dance around the softly inflated rim and cascade down the bowl. Alden has opted to pair it to a jet-black stem rather than one of his vibrant, colorful mouthpieces, allowing the olivewood stummel to take the lead. It was certainly a wise-choice and highlights the restraint that is sometimes necessary in the craft to maximize a pipe's aesthetic appeal, while not sacrificing anything when it comes to engineering and function.

- Jeffery Sitts
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Measurements & Other Details

  • Length: 5.30 in./134.62 mm.
  • Weight: 2.20 oz./62.37 g.
  • Bowl Height: 1.84 in./46.74 mm.
  • Chamber Depth: 1.43 in./36.32 mm.
  • Chamber Diameter: 0.78 in./19.81 mm.
  • Outside Diameter: 1.81 in./45.97 mm.
  • Stem Material: Vulcanite
  • Filter: None
  • Shape: Pot
  • Finish: Smooth
  • Material: Olivewood
  • Country: United States
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