Peterson - Early Morning Pipe 50g
Very nice!
This is my favorite between Peterson and University Flakes and Nightcap, which is as far as I have made it trough the Peterson line.
Peterson - Nightcap 50g
Good, but a little strong for a night cap!
I like this, but not as much as Morning Pipe, but way better tan University or Peterson Flake.
Peterson - University Flake 50g
Unimpressed (Edit- now impressed!)
Wow! What a difference a couple weeks crumbled up makes! It’s like an entirely different smoke. I’m a newbie and trying my palette with a few tins of different things. At first this had no flavor, but it is entirely different now! (Old- Not what I expected. Tastes lie nothing compared to Morning Pipe. Live and learn.)
Peterson - Flake 50g
Seems very Blasé
For a “expert blend”, not much flavor or room note at all. I wanted to try a flake by it seems bothersome. I am not getting this blend at all as compared to Morning Pipe. Really seems like a waste of money.