Mac Baren - Burley: London Blend 3.5oz
Not even close to the original
Wow, am I the only one with any sense of taste or smell left? The original DID have NATURAL chocolate notes but was not what I would call an aromatic. But this reissue has a very prominent chocolate topping and is definetely an aromatic. Fortunately it's a good aromatic! As a match to the original London Blend I rate it 1 star. As a quality aromatic blend from MacBaren I give it 5 stars. Average = 3 stars.
Lane Limited - BL/WB
Beautiful Luscious / Wonderful Burley
This blend lives up to it's name or at least its initials...Without Bite. in addition,it is very satisfying and flavorful. I disagree with Smoking Pipes designations for both Strength and Taste and would rate both one notch higher at 3 dots. Regarding "Room Note" I never understood this. Who cares about the "Room"? This Smoke's for YOU! This blend has the classic, satisfying, nuttiness and earthy notes of a good burley blend. But this blend takes the flavor up a notch with an interesting topping that adds a mild, mysterious spiciness. I concure with Scurvy Dog that it is very much like allspice.
Mac Baren - HH Latakia Flake 3.5oz
Mac baren Does it Again!
Wonderful flake! I disagree, however, that the latakia takes the front seat. To me it is more a condiment to the excellent virginia and burley. Great taste. Flavorful with a mellow tanginess on the tongue.
Mac Baren - Latakia Blend 3.5oz
Wonderful !
I agree with the other John S. Has the tangy flavor of most rolled tobaccos with the added benefit of a slight latakia spiciness. p.s. MacBaren has that habit with names. One would think their London Blend would be an "English"...farthest thing from it but it is an excellent burley.
Mac Baren - Dark Twist 3.5oz
Fantastic blend !
Serious tobacco satisfaction with a unique and tangy flavor.
Mac Baren - Norwood 100g
Delightful Burley !
Best burley blend on the market. Very satisfying. Classic nutty flavor.
Mac Baren - HH Old Dark Fired 3.5oz
I just don't understand the hype. OK, flavorful for a flake but harsh with a "throat bite". And I take some offense to the "for a MacBaren" comments. MacBaren has many fine blends...Dark Twist, Latakia Blend Roll Cake and Norwood are all far superior to HH Old Dark Fired.
Sutliff - Metropolitain 1.5oz
Best aromatic I've tried in a while
Best aromatic I've tried in a while.
Sutliff - Balkan Luxury Blend 957 1.5oz
Extremely Good
I believe the secret is in just the right,very limited,amount of quality black cav which adds body and flavor without detracting from the savory spiciness one looks for in a latakia blend.