Gawith Hoggarth & Co. - Bosun Plug
Drop of quality
Pouch note - fantastic. Room note - heavenly. Taste - extremely mild, almost flat. This tobacco used to be mild to medium, complex rich tobacco notes dancing around on tongue but starting from autumn 2023 G&H started to change tobacco base in it’s blends. Bosun plug fell victim to tobacco base changes. Plug in itself is well made but due to change in tobaccos used to produce tobacco the taste is completely different. Used to be 5 star smoke, now I can only give 2.5 stars
BriarWorks - Bacon Old Fashioned 2oz
Underrated blend
This blend gets so much undeserved hate. It certainly tastes unique. Tin note is salted caramel, oranges and smokyness coming from dark fired leaves. Upon lighting you get strong smoky dark fired taste with oranges. After a few bowls taste dies down a bit and you can taste normal virginias. Smokes well straight from the jar. If you’re into aromatics it’s worth a try
Gawith Hoggarth & Co. - Rum Twist
Significant drop of quality
This tobacco has changed. I’m very familiar with GH twists so I was alarmed when I realised that my recently purchased rum twist smells completely different. Upon preparing the tobacco I noticed that this twist is very soft and spongy, although it’s supposed to be hard and sturdy. It was easy to slice coins and what’s surprising that coins were extremely easy to rub out, as the tobacco is not as tightly compressed as it should have been. Tobacco was moist so I dried it for several hours. It was an easy smoke, but relatively boring one. All the depth of taste and complexity that this twist had disappeared. In conclusion, some smokers might find it attractive as it is easier to prepare and smoke. Personally I won’t probably buy it again.
BriarWorks - Back Down South 2oz
Best American VaPer
It’s quite full flavoured. Spicy figgy perique, sweet virginias with light topping which always stays in the background and doesn’t overshadow tobacco taste. Mason jar is a huge plus. Can’t go wrong with this if you like vapers, unless you’re a vaper purist and don’t like toppings.
Gawith Hoggarth & Co. - Coniston Cut Plug
This blend has changed
Unfortunately this stuff has changed, flavouring is the same but is applied in lesser quantities. The real gamechanger here is the change of Dark Fired leaf. It used to be very bold, earthy, leathery spicy. Now DFK are much more mellow mild, there's some leather and chocolate there. It really is quite similar to the new version of SG 1792 flake. Coniston used to be a 5 star smoke, now I'm dropping it to 3.5 because it lost it's initial appeal, but it's still quality tobacco and someone will surely love it as it is. I can't really blame G&H for making changes to the blend because the demand for their tobaccos has skyrocketed.