Scarlet Cache: An all-Virginia blend of the finest stoved and unstoved Reds and Brights, cased with elixirs from Klaus' secret stash. Tobacco forward with a rich, dark sweetness and subtle hints of citrus and booze.
Kringle's Delight: Warm and inviting, this cake-cut blend of Black Cavendish, Katerini Turkish, and Virginias may be Mrs. Claus' finest creation yet — tobacco forward with subtle hints of vanilla and baking spices.
Fireside Fable: Black as the Longest Night, this Latakia-forward blend is deep and woody, with a mysterious, incense-like aroma carried by Turkish fire-cured leaf, Dark Burleys, and a pinch of Bright Virginia.
Midnight Moxie: Not for the faint of heart, this robust blend of Dark and cube-cut Burleys, Red Virginia, and St. James Perique will put hair on even a snowman's chest. Pressed and sliced into an old-fashioned crumble cake for easy packing.
“神秘深红贮存”:这是一款纯V草调配,采用经过烘烤和未经烘烤的红色和亮色V草,加入了来自克劳斯神秘贮存的“圣水”。整体味道浓郁,带有深色水果的甜味,还有少许柑橘和酒味。 “圣诞老人的最爱”:这款调配选用黑卡文迪许,Katerini土耳其烟草和V草,采用饼状切割,味道温暖而惹人喜爱。它确实可以是“圣诞老人的最爱”,味道中带有些许香草和烘烤香料味。 “炉边寓言”:这款拉草风格的调配跟黑夜一样黑,味道浓郁而充满木质味,还有土耳其烟草、深色白肋和亮色V草共同带来的神秘熏香味。 “午夜人格”:这款强劲的烟草调配为喜爱重口味的人准备,它采用深色块状切割的白肋,红V草和St. James帕里克烟草,它的强度之大,即使你再过迟钝也会有所察觉。所有烟草经过压制后被切割成老式的碎烟饼状,易于装填。 “冬季专属”系列烟草和Peterson的年度圣诞烟斗相得益彰,后者受到大量收藏家和新斗客的追捧,到今年已经是第15版。今年的圣诞烟斗非常独特,采用铜质的龙头,让人联想起冬日夜晚舒适而温暖的壁炉。此外,每支2024款的圣诞烟斗都带有坎伯兰色的丙烯酸斗柄,与黄铜的颜色互相搭配。这些圣诞烟斗也具有多种表面可供选择,适合那些在这个假期异常挑剔的斗客。 不管你在今年的冬假挑选一支新的Peterson烟斗并配上一罐“冬季专属”烟草,还是选择用手头的设备跟心爱的人分享一斗,我们都祝你在假期鸿运当头,也祝你抽斗愉快!