Sykes founded in 2000, while completing his undergraduate degree in history at Vanderbilt University. Some might today assume, like Athena was said to have sprung whole from the head of Zeus, that Sykes sprang wholly prepared upon the world of pipes. The truth, however, is that he didn't have any idea what he was getting into. Mostly. He had not then ever written a line of code, and he had no inkling as to how to run a business, even one that was just two guys and a small rented warehouse space in Tennessee. What he did have from his part-time job at a local tobacco shop was an inkling of the sort that in hindsight others would call insight: technology, particularly the World Wide Web, could revolutionize pipe and tobacco retail just as it was transforming so many other industries. Of equal importance was Sykes's growing interest in pipes as works of functional art that deserved critical discussion. This interest was good enough to get things started; the knowledge needed to run a successful business would develop over time as it does for most of us in our 20s: by doing with enthusiasm.
So it was with enthusiasm and two convictions--that the pipe business needed technology and that pipes were serious and beautiful things--that Sykes laid the foundation for what would eventually become. This trinity still largely defines his role in the company today where his primary responsibilities include overseeing finances, operations, and software development, as well as vendor relationships and sales, all things that he has learned a little about in the ensuing years. But even as time has carried on and the company has grown, Sykes is still never more passionate than when working directly with, or teaching others about, pipes.
February 21, 2018 by
Sykes Wilford
差不多十二年前,也就是2006年的夏末,我第一次登门拜访了Lars Ivarsson。在这之前我们双方本已有过几次见面交谈的机会,但去他家倒是第一次。那天他的妻子Annette做了一桌好菜,我们在Lars的工作室里抽着烟斗安静地聊天,视线越过门外的花园落在了对面的海湾——要说他的家是世界上最美的地方之一也不为过。Lars十分健谈,虽然聊天内容大都是旅游,经济或者政治,跟烟斗和制斗关系不大,但他的烟斗早已为他代言。
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