Svendborg: English Mixture 100g Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-639-0006

Black Cavendish, natural sweet Virginias, and smoky Latakia all come together in Svendborg's smooth, medium-strength blend, English Mixture.
Room Note:
Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
2 reviews
great first smoke
January 09, 2024
Product: Svendborg English Mixture 100g
Im a new pipe smoker and this was the first blend i was introduced with. the aroma and taste are amazing. highly recommend this.
Great Entry Blend
December 14, 2018
Product: Svendborg English Mixture 100g
Wonderful entry blend for people who are new to English Tobaccos. Mild blend to be sipped on, I feel that if you smoke this too heavy that it may bite a little.