Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation: Small Batch Peaty Kentucky 1.75oz Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-553-0024

A limited offering from 4th Generation, Erik Stokkebye's Small Batch Peaty Kentucky is a rope-cut blend composed of 100% mature, whole Virginia leaves and Dark-Fired Kentucky. This hand-rolled mixture uses the whole Virginia leaves as the wrapper and the Dark-Fired Kentucky as filler. The ropes are aged for several weeks before being sliced into perfect coins. It's a satisfying blend that provides a pleasant balance of strength and smokiness, and comes neatly presented in a collectible, special-edition, humidor-style box.

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  • Components: Virginia, Dark Fired Kentucky
  • Family: Virginia
  • Cut: Coins
Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
11 reviews
Very Good!
February 27, 2021
Product: Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Small Batch Peaty Kentucky 1.75oz
Very good. Coins break down nice and burn well. Very tasty, enjoyable retrohale. I bought five boxes. I really wish they would make a packaging designed for storage. The tobacco dries out so quick in the boxes I felt the need to open them immediately and jar them. I would rate it 5 stars if it came in a tin....Read More
Love it!
February 25, 2021
Product: Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Small Batch Peaty Kentucky 1.75oz
Tried this at pipe club and ordered two boxes that night for myself. This flavor is perfect. Amazing flavor, doesn't get too hot and makes for a great evening smoke.
February 24, 2021
Product: Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Small Batch Peaty Kentucky 1.75oz
What a smoke! Well behaved, uniform coins that rub out/fold and stuff easily. Regardless of the actual blend, I would not describe this as a Kentucky blend: the Virginia's shine through very well, with the Kentucky in the background and on the finish. I just wish Erik would upgrade the packaging of this series to hold humidity better. Highly recommended....Read More
February 22, 2021
Product: Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Small Batch Peaty Kentucky 1.75oz
It's extremely similar to Mac Baren's Dark Twist Roll Cake. The major difference is this is a tad less spicy and a bit more balanced. High quality. Comes fairly dry upon arrival so you can smoke it!
kim k
February 01, 2021
Product: Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Small Batch Peaty Kentucky 1.75oz
Thankfully there is a fair amount of Va in this. Not a hammer the palate KY. A tad bighty but age should make this even better.
January 31, 2021
Product: Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Small Batch Peaty Kentucky 1.75oz
اعتقد بان يكون تبغ عالي الجوده وحبكه مدروسه بعنايه لم يصلني بعد ولكن انتظر وهذا تقيمي على التغليف
February 19, 2021
Product: Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Small Batch Peaty Kentucky 1.75oz
入口酸甜,酸甜为主调,清淡,不咬舌,价格偏高性价比不高。木盒子背面贴了个made in China,有点小失落。包装不密封,打开后烟草散出来黏在贴纸上。
January 30, 2021
Product: Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Small Batch Peaty Kentucky 1.75oz
March 17, 2021
Product: Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Small Batch Peaty Kentucky 1.75oz
劲道2.5 饱满度 2.8 室韵 3.0 主线味道是V草原味,顶级的基草,烟气非常舒服,淡淡的甜味,各种V草香味都有但是并不明显,整体烟气饱满度和强度都不高,偏清淡轻柔调性。设计师想要呈现给客户的就是最顶级的V草体验。本来很有想法的设计成了限量的产品,也给了很有质感的包装。但是很可惜因为一些小细节没有处理好,原本应该达到的加分属性没有出现,反而出现了很多的减分项。就烟草品吸体验上来说没有任何问题,但是考虑到价格和适用人群,这注定只是小部分老斗客以及猎奇玩家的“非主流“。 欢迎去B站关注“躲在厕所抽斗的克里斯”,里面有详细测评
味道很好 包装太坑
March 02, 2021
Product: Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Small Batch Peaty Kentucky 1.75oz