Wessex Wessex Tinned Pipe Tobaccos
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+About Wessex
Wessex was originally a brand of pipes by Hall & Fitzgerald Co, then produced in France by Chacom. A wholesaler of pipes, "fancy goods," and tobacconists supplies, Hall & Fitzgerald's hallmark was first registered in England in 1899. Today the Wessex name lives on in their line of pipe tobacco, and is celebrated by lovers of Virginias and Burleys.
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Wessex was originally a brand of pipes by Hall & Fitzgerald Co, then produced in France by Chacom. A wholesaler of pipes, "fancy goods," and tobacconists supplies, Hall & Fitzgerald's hallmark was first registered in England in 1899. Today the Wessex name lives on in their line of pipe tobacco, and is celebrated by lovers of Virginias and Burleys.
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