Daughters & Ryan: William's Delight 50g Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-470-0032

William's Delight is named in honor of William Ryan, the father of Daughters & Ryan's founder Mark Ryan. It is also the mixture that was Mark's entry in the 2009 Chicagoland show's blending competition, combining Black Cavendish, double-toasted Burley, and a touch of Oriental leaf with a slight vanilla casing.

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  • Components: Burley, Orientals, Black Cavendish
  • Family: Aromatic
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews (1 Total)
Overall Rating:
2.00 out of 5 stars
I've smoked worse
September 30, 2018
Product: Daughters & Ryan William's Delight 50g
This tobacco is dry as a popcorn fart, the tin note is there somewhere I am sure about the best thing about Williams delight is it does stay lit. From the first puff I knew I was in for some bite and it didn't let me down there, it bit as bad as I ha... Read More