June 22, 2024
Product: Kopp Caribbean Blue Drake 50g
I don't get a lot of the vanilla or the pineapple, on the nose and on the palate, I feel it's much more banana forward. Maybe they're all playing together but to me this just tastes like banana bread. It's not overly fragrant and it's not syrupy or artificially tasting, It just comes across like banana bread, which I love....Read More
March 02, 2024
Product: Kopp Caribbean Blue Drake 50g
When i popped the tin I was engulfed in a south sea breeze. This blend, to me is an elite blend. Tastes of the sea, coconuts, pineapple, salt- grass, aged brandy and a clean, fragrant aftertaste. Very well blended mix.
June 21, 2024
Product: Kopp Caribbean Blue Drake 50g
First Caribbean Blue flavor to sample and definately get the pineapple, banana and vanilla notes and taste. Will have to sample the rest.
July 21, 2023
Product: Kopp Caribbean Blue Drake 50g
I know people are asking "how did this review go up so fast?" I have ordered this from Germany and smoked it for many years. A wonderful blend and it really does make you feel that you are in the tropics. Lots of ripe fruit and pineapple fragrance. I great blend for a new smoker and it will still satisfy an experienced smoker looking for a terrific aromatic taste....Read More
January 06, 2024
Product: Kopp Caribbean Blue Drake 50g
So this has a strong banana front to it and the vanilla is in the background just giving the banana a darker feel. Someone said bubblegum and that is very close to hitting the nail, but it's still obviously banana. I enjoy aromatics and this is strongly flavored so if you are the type who likes hints of flavoring as opposed to strong flavor this may not be for you. It's a nice change of pace, but not a daily smoke at all IMO. It's not bad IMO....Read More
November 22, 2023
Product: Kopp Caribbean Blue Drake 50g
Smells great out of the tin. Once lit , it tastes very bubble gummish. Now I don’t smoke aro’s that much. Which could be why I’m not a fan. I mostly smoke dark fired, so take this review with a grain of salt. To a non aro smoker, it seems way over the top. But if your looking for juicy fruit this may be your jam! Enjoy your smoke!...Read More
August 20, 2023
Product: Kopp Caribbean Blue Drake 50g
First, I am a fan of Arromatics. Having said that I am not a fan of most fruity blends, but Drake is one that I will rotate in my selections. The smell out of the tin is pleasant and Carribbean as is the taste. More importantly it light easisly, right out of the tin, and it burns slow with a very nice white ash. I had no problem keeping it lit and it did not burn hot. Very pleasant Tobbacco with a pleasant room note. If you like the Caribbean life, you will like Drake...Read More