June 09, 2023
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. #20 Latakia Mixture Bulk
Great all day smoke that's not overpowering or harsh. Did not experience tongue bite. smokes great if let to dry out some before smoking.
March 23, 2023
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. #20 Latakia Mixture Bulk
Package note of tart and tangy, mild barbeque and smoky. Tobacco is a thin ribbon cut of dark brown, black and a little light brown. Moisture content is ok, most pipe smokers will dry it a bit. Burns moderate with few relights. The strength is medium and nic is mild. No flavoring detected. Taste is medium to full and mostly consistent, with notes of smoky, floral (not lakeland), lemon grass, tart and tangy citrus, wood, rich earth, leather, spices, toast, sweet hay, sour peaty vegetation, orange peel/zest, mildly herbal, mildly savory, a mild sugar sweet and incense background note, and a peppery retro. Virginias are leading with Latakia supporting. Room note is tolerable, and aftertaste is great....Read More
September 08, 2021
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. #20 Latakia Mixture Bulk
خلطه انجليزية موزونه من الطراد القديم فقط لاذقية و فيرجينيا
June 25, 2021
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. #20 Latakia Mixture Bulk
I get bored smoking this. needs more latakia. Always seem to be reaching but never quite getting any.
April 14, 2021
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. #20 Latakia Mixture Bulk
It took me a while to acquire a taste for Latakia. But once in a while I enjoy a spicy smoke. I blended this with 25% Virgina Burley and about 25% HH-Fire-Ready rubbed...Too the Moon Alice !
April 11, 2020
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. #20 Latakia Mixture Bulk
From a company known for their robust blends, this is a very balanced medium all day kind of smoke. I've wanted to try this for some time but it quickly sells out. There is a reason why. The Latakia was mild in the first third of the bowl, then it builds to a spicy finish that was exceptional....Read More
May 16, 2019
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. #20 Latakia Mixture Bulk
Un tabaco muy bueno, me recuerda a early morning, aunque a veces más dulce y a veces más latakia.
May 11, 2017
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. #20 Latakia Mixture Bulk
So I heard about Dunhill pipe tobacco stopping production. I've been trying others to find a suitable replacement. I'm so glad I did! I have to look no further as Gawaith Latakia is by far superior in every way. Warning this blend is superb and you will not want anything else except other gawaith products such as Balkan. 5 stars because they don't have 6...Read More
June 22, 2022
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. #20 Latakia Mixture Bulk
June 27, 2022
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. #20 Latakia Mixture Bulk
라타키아와 버지니아의 두조합인 발칸과 형제인듯한 연초입니다. 몇년째발칸이 매진이어서 구매하기힘들지만 이연초를 접하면 그리움이다소해결된다 사실조금더 이연초가 부드럽다 부드럽게다기온다 하지만 그맛과 늬앙스는 분명 발칸과흡사하다 단짠의 극조합이다 발칸이그리울땐 이걸 즐기면 될듯하다 아주맛나다