Germain: Royal Jersey: Original Latakia Mixture 50g Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-030-0004

For Germain's Royal Jersey Original Latakia Mixture, selected Virginia and Maryland type tobaccos are carefully blended with a selection of Oriental leaf from Greece and Turkey, and with top grade Latakia. They're specially processed to produce a mellow smoke with rich flavor.
Room Note:
Customer Reviews (10 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.55 out of 5 stars
April 17, 2024
Product: Germain Royal Jersey: Original Latakia Mixture 50g
日耳曼 紫权杖 2021年 生草:烟熏、果香、酒韵。 点火后:烟熏、奶味、坚果、花香、酒韵、木香、面包、焦糖。 口腔里面有:明显的果酸、果甜偏淡、蔗糖。 烟气方面:过鼻烟熏感明显,烟雾浓郁,风味淡雅、斗温易高。 总的来说这一抖下来风味持续的很好,注意的是斗草不要醒的太干,这样的话就会有足够的风味发散。权杖系列个人觉得紫权杖是比较突出的一款斗草,值得尝试。
October 21, 2023
Product: Germain Royal Jersey: Original Latakia Mixture 50g
August 08, 2023
Product: Germain Royal Jersey: Original Latakia Mixture 50g
February 24, 2018
Product: Germain Royal Jersey: Original Latakia Mixture 50g
Go to when I can find it, which I rarely do
Just plain GOOD!!
November 21, 2017
Product: Germain Royal Jersey: Original Latakia Mixture 50g
Excellent complex and satisfying blend...
April 27, 2023
Product: Germain Royal Jersey: Original Latakia Mixture 50g
Good one smooth enjoy with a coffee!
April 09, 2022
Product: Germain Royal Jersey: Original Latakia Mixture 50g
I have to say, it is the best experience
Unique, Rich, and Smokey
March 05, 2022
Product: Germain Royal Jersey: Original Latakia Mixture 50g
Cut like a fine, long shag. Smells and tastes like a smokey scotch. More of a Balkan to me due to the incense-like Orientals that play prominently.
A Mountain of Dung, Syria and Cyprus
March 30, 2013
Product: Germain Royal Jersey: Original Latakia Mixture 50g
By: Tusker In the 40's through the 50's, 28th and Main in Fort Worth, Texas was the off-loading point for a sea of cattle and sheep that swept through chutes going south to Swift & Armour. The net of the off-loading was a mountain of south end c... Read More
January 10, 2013
Product: Germain Royal Jersey: Original Latakia Mixture 50g
Fine ribbon cut,Stays lit very well.Needs to be dried out though.Very fine mellow flavor it's to bad the supply is so limited.