Mac Baren: 7 Seas Royal 16oz Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-039-0069

The smooth yet lively flavor of Golden Virginias, mellow Burleys, and a touch of Black Cavendish blended with soft notes of vanilla, honey, and fruit makes 7 Seas Royal by Mac Baren a must try for Aromatic lovers.

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  • Components: Virginia, Burley, Black Cavendish
  • Family: Aromatic
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
61 reviews
Very nice
December 07, 2024
Product: Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal Bulk
I tried 7 Seas Royal after being impressed with 7 Seas Regular. To my taste, Royal is just a half-notch below Regular, but still an awesome smoke.
Excellent smoke
November 02, 2024
Product: Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal Bulk
This is a truly fine tobacco worthy of the adulation it receives here. Surprisingly, I sometimes detect a tiny bit of tongue bite, which I have never experienced with the slightly sweeter 7 seas regular. I blended a small amount of Sutliff Black Vanilla and poof! (or perhaps I should say “puff”) the taste was all there but the bite was gone!...Read More
Not for me, tongue bite.
July 21, 2024
Product: Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal Bulk
I'm not sure what's going on with this planet, but I got some really bad tongue bite from it. The flavor overall is okay but I can't get past the tongue bite.
March 15, 2024
Product: Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal 3.5oz
Smooth, mild and excellent aroma. No tongue bite. It’s a smoke that goes well with many occasions. It’s now one of my top go to tobacco’s.
February 02, 2024
Product: Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal 3.5oz
All of the 7 seas blemds are nice aros, like if Captain black got an upgrade
Slated For Promotion II
August 17, 2023
Product: Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal Bulk
Absolutely one of my Top 3 aromatics! I love it so much, I bought this one in bulk this time. I had some empty Royal tins, and decided to pack them full! Again, wonderful tin note and even non-smokers appreciate the intoxicating aroma when fired up.
Great for beginners
March 11, 2023
Product: Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal 3.5oz
New pipe smoker here. I purchased this along with Lane 1-Q and C&D autumn evening. This is definitely my favorite of those three. I smoke rather hot but learning to slow it down, but the beauty of this tobacco is it won't punish you with tongue bite or loss of much flavor by puffing like a chimney. My wife couldn't stand me smoking cigarettes years ago but loves the aroma from this tobacco which is a huge plus. Definitely keeping this in my rotation....Read More
Pleasant Smell and Taste
June 14, 2023
Product: Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal 3.5oz
Smooth and creamy vanilla flavor, and a room note that is second to none. Smells like sweet vanilla, with a subtle plum note. My wife let's me smoke this indoors, and the neighbors love when I smoke it outside.
Slated for Promotion!
June 21, 2023
Product: Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal 3.5oz
I was offered a bowl of this from an acquaintance. Wonderful taste! Was lucky to be offered the remainder of the tin. This blend will go into a daily/weekly rotation! Had some resemblance IMO to Lane 1Q with the right amount of a berry flavor in addition to making it it's own. Mild, however very satisfying!...Read More
December 01, 2022
Product: Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal Bulk
Recommended as my usual IQ was out of stock. Pleasantly surprised by its burn quality and mild taste. One to consider as a rotation bowl.