Brick House Habano Cigars
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+About Brick House
A line of cigars from J.C. Newman, Brick House embodies the cigar-making legacy of the Newman family. Their history began with Julius Caeser Newman, a Hungarian immigrant in Cleveland, Ohio, who began rolling cigars in his family's barn in 1895 after completing a cigar-making apprenticeship. The company has since grown to global renown, with factories in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and the United States, and the Newmans still manage the production of its various cigar blends, now supervised by the family's fourth generation.
The history of Brick House cigars dates to the early 1900s when J.C. introduced a line of Cuban puros made with tobacco from Havana. Named for Newman's childhood home in Hungary — the sole brick house in his town — Brick House cigars represented comfort and family: home. The struggles of the Great Depression, however, saw the end of Brick House cigars as J.C. Newman, like so many other businesses and families, fought to survive the economic drought. Revitalized over 80 years later, Brick House returned to the J.C. Newman portfolio thanks to Julius Caeser's grandsons, and since then its cigars have earned accolades across the industry, including Cigar Aficionado's Best Bargain Cigar and a place in their list of Top 25 Cigars.
Masterfully blended and hand-rolled at the Newmans' PENSA factory in Nicaragua, Brick House cigars are available across three versions with Ecuadorian Habano, Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro, or Connecticut Shade wrappers, each with aged, Nicaraguan fillers.
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A line of cigars from J.C. Newman, Brick House embodies the cigar-making legacy of the Newman family. Their history began with Julius Caeser Newman, a Hungarian immigrant in Cleveland, Ohio, who began rolling cigars in his family's barn in 1895 after completing a cigar-making apprenticeship. The company has since grown to global renown, with factories in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and the United States, and the Newmans still manage the production of its various cigar blends, now supervised by the family's fourth generation.
The history of Brick House cigars dates to the early 1900s when J.C. introduced a line of Cuban puros made with tobacco from Havana. Named for Newman's childhood home in Hungary — the sole brick house in his town — Brick House cigars represented comfort and family: home. The struggles of the Great Depression, however, saw the end of Brick House cigars as J.C. Newman, like so many other businesses and families, fought to survive the economic drought. Revitalized over 80 years later, Brick House returned to the J.C. Newman portfolio thanks to Julius Caeser's grandsons, and since then its cigars have earned accolades across the industry, including Cigar Aficionado's Best Bargain Cigar and a place in their list of Top 25 Cigars.
Masterfully blended and hand-rolled at the Newmans' PENSA factory in Nicaragua, Brick House cigars are available across three versions with Ecuadorian Habano, Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro, or Connecticut Shade wrappers, each with aged, Nicaraguan fillers.
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