Tabac De La Semois Tinned Pipe Tobaccos
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+About Tabac De La Semois
Long the secret of the Ardennes' misty valleys, Semois remained unheard of to most outside Belgium until a writer for the New York Times received some as a gift, leading in turn to an article on this distinctive regional leaf. Earthy, floral and cool, many who've now had the chance to try it often find themselves grasping in vain for a well-known tobacco to compare it to. The simple truth is, Semois is Semois; a straight, all-natural Burley grown under unique conditions, resulting in a unique leaf, produced only by Vincent and Gaetane Manil, only in the traditional manner, and from a tobacco grown only in the Semois valley.
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Long the secret of the Ardennes' misty valleys, Semois remained unheard of to most outside Belgium until a writer for the New York Times received some as a gift, leading in turn to an article on this distinctive regional leaf. Earthy, floral and cool, many who've now had the chance to try it often find themselves grasping in vain for a well-known tobacco to compare it to. The simple truth is, Semois is Semois; a straight, all-natural Burley grown under unique conditions, resulting in a unique leaf, produced only by Vincent and Gaetane Manil, only in the traditional manner, and from a tobacco grown only in the Semois valley.
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