Mac Baren: HH Latakia Flake 1.75oz Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-039-0096

The Latakia up front, the Virginia chimes in with a bit of sweetness, the Orientals throw in spice, while the Burley provides elements of nut and earth. All are hot-pressed, to marry the flavors into a dark, complex cooperation. HH Latakia Flake is, in short, another uniquely fine flake brought to us from Mac Baren.

Room Note:
Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
73 reviews
January 18, 2025
Product: Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake 1.75oz
It’s crazy how smoking this english reminds you that there are tobacco producers outside of the C&D family. It’s a refreshingly different english flake, and very well balanced. The flakes are thin and look almost like they were cut by a surgeon. Fold and stuff into a narrow tall chamber and enjoy!...Read More
Awesome Blend
January 27, 2025
Product: Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake 1.75oz
This blend is delicious! This blend burns perfectly and is as smooth as it gets. Its a top 3 go to blend for sure for me.
March 05, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake 1.75oz
Yeah this is getting a perfect rating from me. It is delicious. Just blended perfectly. Even if you dont favor latakia, i think this will begin your journey and very well be the only latakia journey you will ever take. It is that good
SOUR, Spicy, Salty, Savory
January 31, 2024
Product: Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake 16oz
I wasn't a huge fan of this the first few times I smoked it, so I rubbed out six ounces into a ready-rubbed state, put it under pressure in an airtight container, and cellared it for three years. Now it's pretty good. I have another 2/3 pound in the cellar still in full flake form, will compare that later. For now, my ready-rubbed flakes are nice. It's got the dark fired burley very typical of Mac Baren and HH. It's got some very sour orientals. It's got some brisket-like latakia. And the Virginias are dark and matured. The result is one savory, salty, vinegary, barbecued, very American take on an "English" blend. It is not English at all, we just say that when latakia is involved, which is weird because Latakia is a port in Syria and not English at all. In any case, it's good. The sour blast tapers off quickly, making room for the bready figgy virginia sweetness, with smoky brisket latakia dancing in and out. It's much better after three years of high pressure cellaring, much more cool and mellow, but if you smoke it fresh you still might like it. Do NOT start here if you're looking for your first foray into "English" tobacco. This isn't English, it's an American slant on a quasi-English tradition....Read More
Makes me an English Fan
October 03, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake 1.75oz
I've owned my fair share of English tobaccos. Ancient and fresh Penzance, Plum Pudding. But with the exception of Smokers Haven Exotique, and First Amendment, find myself opposed to Latakia blends. I even only have one English pipe in my collection. I just recieved this tin of HH Latakia Flake and was immediately taken aback by the texture and sweetness of the smoke. I'm already a MacBaren guy, but this will find a regular spot in my collection. Very tasty....Read More
Burned hot
January 10, 2023
Product: Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake 1.75oz
Need to retry this one; burned very hot, Burley seems to give it a cigarette flavor, was pretty moist and needs dried for sure, burnt way too hot, good campfire, flavors of wood, wasn't great though.
November 19, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake 16oz
Package note of tart smoky, moderate spice and vinegar. The mostly black and dark brown flakes easily rub out, moisture content is fairly high, a bit of drying is recommended. Burns slow with a few relights. The strength is medium and nic is mild. No flavoring detected. Taste is medium to full and consistent, with notes of sweet campfire, earth, pine wood, floral, herbal spice, leather, sour musty vegetative note, sweet grass, tart lemon, mild bitter nuts and a moderately peppery retro. Virginias is barely winning the lead over Latakia. Orientals are supporting. Burleys is providing backup. Room note is tolerable, and aftertaste is awesome....Read More
First Impression
October 06, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake 1.75oz
I hope this gets better because I had one flake in a bowl to try and was not impressed maybe it was my taster but I basically tasted nothing good just light latakia and maybe some bright virginia I will try fresh in the morning and hope that this was a fluke, I will update after the tin is finished but so far its an ugly start...Read More
April 2021 Dated Tin
May 06, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake 1.75oz
Been experimenting with a few Mac Baren flakes, so I tried this one. I actually purchased this one to blend into other Mac Baren flakes. I decided to use it full strength 100% at first to get the taste imprinted. Sipped it on a group 3 root briar Prince 1969. It's richness and bass notes are what surprised me. I think I will use it more as a blending component with other Mac Baren flakes. I think it would go well with a strong coffee like expresso too. Today I mixed Latakia flake with Edisto and HH ODF. 33% each. Tasted really good to me....Read More
You need this
July 16, 2022
Product: Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake 1.75oz
I literally just did a pipe of this. Folded and stuffed a flake and a half in a MM Country Gentleman well broken in. I'm astonished. This is some of the best tobacco. Had it with a Jameson and ginger. Sweet, musky and well good. Try it. Just try it. Nuff Said.