Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Tobacco is a wonderful thing, one of the few things in this world I truly can't get enough of. We all have our cellars, ranging from those who possess a few ounces of personal favorites to those who hoard 100 tins of Capstan Blue or the true veterans whose cellars rival Smokingpipes' entire warehouse. While reasons for cellaring can differ, there is a universal truth to all cellars: When we find a blend that we truly and unapologetically love, the one blend to rule them all in our rotation, we will hoard it so that we never run out.

Our time in this world is fleeting; everything has an expiration date, and you never truly know when something will go away forever. Case in point: Sutliff and Mac Baren's recent announcement of closure. Did I just recently fall in love with 7 Seas Black? Yes. Am I incredibly bitter that this announcement happened before I could buy a million pounds? Absolutely. But that's the way the cards fell, and many pipe smokers feel the weight of their favorite blend being discontinued.

Sutliff, to many, was the king of value tobacco. Their bulk selection was unrivaled. Were they all amazing blends? No. But did they still offer something of value? Yes, absolutely. Many brick-and-mortar stores used Sutliff bulk as house blends or to blend their own creations. It's a hit to not just the personal consumer but stores that serve as safe havens for the hobby.

This has been awfully depressing, I'll admit, but fret not, dear reader. A hero emerges from the ashes to create a new legacy for generations to come: Rivertown Tobacco Works.

Rivertown was created to specialize in bulk pipe tobaccos across a range of classic flavors and blend archetypes — all with high value and low cost in mind. Each blend is crafted to offer quality and consistency as well as long-term dependable availability at affordable prices.

Marketing aside, Rivertown was created to continue what Sutliff was to many, and I have it on good authority that Rivertown's portfolio will continue to expand in the coming years. They're keeping an ear to the ground to understand what smokers are asking for. Let's take a gander at the starting line-up.

The Blends

Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Sir Vanderberry

Our valiant knight may have a sweet tooth. This enigmatic blend of sweetened and unsweetened Cavendish is sure to satiate with notes of creamy vanilla and the ripest of berries.

Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Dark 70%

Not your Grandpa's Aromatic, this all-Cavendish blend balances notes of subtle vanilla, dark cocoa, and milk chocolate — not too sweet, not too bitter. Just right for all-day indulgence.

Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Sunset Velvet

The cherry on top of a day well lived, this classic Aromatic blend of Cavendish and Bright Virginia is enhanced by notes of vanilla and wild cherries.

Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Hazelnut Hollow

A surprisingly potent blend of Cavendish and White Burley, carried by a classic hazelnut top note. An all-day Aromatic, but careful not to lose your head.

Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Maple Cask

Pancakes, waffles, chicken, tobacco... everything's better with a little maple — especially alongside a splash of rum. Cavendish and White Burley with notes of maple and rum.

Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Custard Conspiracy

This classic vanilla Aromatic has a secret... It's delicious.

Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Oak & Ember

A classic pairing of air- and flue-cured leaf, this potent Burley blend balances natural sweetness with a slight kick. An all-day smoke for Burley lovers.

Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Mystic Moor

Dark and rich, this blend of Latakia, Cavendish, and Bright Virginia unveils the mysteries of the ancient moor... or at least it'll feel that way as you're puffing well into the night.

Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Crimson Shadow

Like man's best friend, this balanced and even-tempered blend of stoved Red Virginia and Black Cavendish is a loyal companion through any endeavor.

Introducing Rivertown Tobacco: Value Tobacco, Bold Flavor

Sunrise Select

A pure blend of 100% Bright Virginia tobaccos, this naturally sweet flue-cured mixture is the perfect start to any day.

Rivertown Tobacco is the dawn of a new day in value tobacco, and in the few blends I've been able to sample, I'm excited to see what's next in their lineup. Rivertown Tobacco is available now on-site. Will you be trying Rivertown? Is there a blend you're looking forward to or something you're hoping they'll try to rival? Let us know in the comments below. Happy smokes!

Category:   Tobacco Talk
Tagged in:   Tobacco


  • Kevin H on January 31, 2025

    Hi I’m new to pipe smoking and am really enjoying it so far but have lots to learn.thank you for all the great info and products at smokingpipes

  • Kelly C. on January 31, 2025

    Excellent news for alternative bulk blends by Rivertown.
    Is this American made?
    And how about future blends of the following:
    Prince Albert, Scottish mix,
    Irish - aromatics/whiskey, Balkan and Edward G Robinson blends?

    • Rose k on February 1, 2025

      Hey Kelly,

      Rivertown is American made. Most Smokingpipes operations are minus Peterson, who is still based in Ireland, and Smokingpipes Europe, as you might imagine.

      Those are some quality blends you've recommended.


  • Detonator on February 1, 2025

    It was pretty well known that if the hobby was going to survive, we would need Uncle Sykes and Uncle Jeremy to save the day. Seems like they have

  • ATW on February 2, 2025

    Ordered a sample of Oak & Ember along with Crimson Shadow. Was never a fan of Sutliff except maybe a couple of things they produced, but it left a huge whole in our corner of the world. I am glad to see companies working to pick up on the void in the market.

  • Phil T. on February 2, 2025

    Out of curiosity who's it produced and owned by?

    • Jess on February 2, 2025

      I would love to know this as well!

  • janabi on February 2, 2025

    Very excited for the new line, i ordered almost the whole line up cant wait to try them out! I loved sutliff flavors line up but never cared for their leafs (it never agreed with my tongue/throat) C&D producing these is a whole different story, if they live up to the autumn evening reputation then the hoarding will begin.

  • Nicolas G. on February 2, 2025

    Time for another manufacturer to take a swing at a 5100 match. Who better than Sykes and Jeremy? I always figured the reason they hadn't was to respect what Sutliff was doing, but now the gloves can come off.

  • Ryan S. on February 2, 2025

    Looking forward to what Rivertown Tobacco has to offer in a future portfolio. Hopefully there will be something for everybody.

    I will be keeping my eyes peeled to the possibility of finding a match for the Sutliff “Ready Rubbed” (Edgeworth) or Lane Ready Rubbed, as well as something to fill the void of what was a staple all day Red Virginia blend in long gone McClelland’s 5100 Red Cake.

    Both blends are missed and loved by the masses. That would be a true testament to the devotion of those within our pipe smoking lifestyle.

    (PS - Is it possible Stonehenge Flake would make another return at some point? Inquiring minds would like to know…)

  • C10H14N2 on February 2, 2025

    I would like to see rustica return in bulk at an affordable price. Maybe a coffee/rustica aro with some oomph ☕

  • Jack S. on February 2, 2025

    Please, please, please make a match for Eastfarthing. It is my all time favorite blend by far.

  • CR on February 2, 2025

    I couldn't care less what blends you match, just please tell me this stuff isn't cased in industrial windshield-wiper fluid! European aromatic blenders are pretty good on their chemical additives (in that you don't taste or feel them if they're there.) Can I expect the same here? And I want good tobacco just to smoke, too. How raw is that Sunrise Select? Is it as clean and pure-tasting as Windsail? Many thanks!

  • Marcel B. on February 2, 2025

    Am I the only one that misses "EDGEWORTH SLICED"? I can't believe no one has offered a match all these years since it went off the market. Yes, I know about Solani and others. But nothing comes close to that old Edgeworth. Also, why can't anyone make a good match for Middleton Cherry? Would also like to see Middleton Hickory make a return. OH! A match for Sir Walter Raleigh before STG made it taste like *@%#&!

  • Mark B. on February 2, 2025

    I look forward to trying some of the Rivertown blends. I hope I will like them as much as I did various offerings from Sutliff, from whom I have bought tobacco over the years probably more than from any other manufacturer.

    I admit I have been almost incandescent with anger and disappointment over the closing of Sutliff and MacBaren. Sutliff, in business for 175 years (begun in the city where I live in 1849), MacBaren for about a century. And then suddenly both shut down—although, if what I’ve read is accurate, they were still profitable. One wonders what was STG’s motive. My idea is that it’s as if Ford bought GM for no reason other than to shut it down. Eliminate the competition! Maximize profits! That is something much nastier than ordinary free enterprise. But I wish Rivertown the best of luck! I was hoping something like this would happen. The lotus grows out of the mud.

  • Mark B. on February 2, 2025

    I should have added that over the years I tried many, many Sutliff blends, and I liked a lot of them—and a few not so much. I liked too many to list here to ask you to duplicate, but just to mention a few: If I had to choose one Sutliff blend I will miss a LOT it is 1M. Create that again! Also Eastfarthing. Many people—not all—used to rave about Molto Dolce. I never got around to trying it. Come up with your own version of that. That’s just for starters. To be candid, I’m a bit anxious about C&D being behind Rivertown. I don’t always like their tobaccos. People rave about Autumn Evening, so much so that I bought some. I thought it was godawful; harsh and full of chemicals. But still, good luck to Rivertown.

  • slashes on February 2, 2025

    These do look good and I'm glad Laudisi is stepping in to fill the massive gap left by the closing of Sutliff. One question I do have is that some of these seem similar to the Low Country blends, specifically Hazelnut Hollow, Sunset Velvet, and Maple Cask. Is there a difference between Rivertown and Low Country bulks?

    • Detonator on February 6, 2025

      FWIW, I ordered 1oz of LC rum a few weeks ago and just received 2oz of maple cask. They appear very similar with the maple cask have a few more stems. Rum seemed slightly, and I mean slightly, more maple forward. Maybe it is cased/topped a touch more since Rivertown will be the economy line. Both were different than C&D autumn evening.

  • Kevin B. on February 3, 2025

    I am looking forward to trying a few of these. Oak and Ember and Crimson Shadow peak my intrest and a few of the aero selections are on their way as well. I'll leave reviews after I sample. I'm hoping that Oak and Ember will be a good replacement for Duke Albert or Burley Delight. Those were favorites of mine. Stay blessed yall and enjoy a smoke.

  • Corgidad on February 3, 2025

    Sutliff"s Match Sunrise was my go to for an everyday smoke and I will miss it. I will give Rivertown Sunrise Select a try and hope for the best.

  • 我刚刚开始玩烟斗 on February 3, 2025


  • Marcel B. on February 6, 2025

    It will be sad to lose Sutliff 507C Virginia Slices. I think many of us took for granted that a bulk Virginia of more than decent quality would always be around.

  • james strathy on February 8, 2025

    If this a Cand D venture then good on ya! bulk blends keep this old smoker going.


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