
Rivertown Tobacco Works: Mystic Moor Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 005-1007-0006

Rivertown Tobacco Works specializes in bulk pipe tobaccos across a range of classic flavors and blend archetypes — ideal for tobacconists' house mixtures and as components for in-house blending. Rivertown tobaccos offer quality and consistency, delivering tantalizing bulk blends at a dependable price point.

A rich, dark blend that takes you on a journey through the shadowy depths of an ancient moor, where the air is thick with mystery and the night stretches on forever. This blend combines the smoky depth of Latakia, the smooth sweetness of Cavendish, and the bright, crisp essence of Virginia. The result is a balanced yet complex smoke that opens with bold, earthy flavors and a subtle sweetness.

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  • Components: Virginia, Latakia, Black Cavendish
  • Family: English
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
4 reviews
Good sub for Frog Morton
February 06, 2025
Product: Rivertown Tobacco Works Mystic Moor Bulk
This tastes exactly, like frog Morton and frog Morton across the pond. It’s not a lively blend but it tastes good and the quality is there. Moisture content is perfect. A rather sweet and Smokey, straightforward blend, uncomplicated really.

If Jeremy would add just a bit of perique to this i
t would be a dead ringer for frog Morton on the bayou....Read More
Just 3★...for now. Time will tell...
February 11, 2025
Product: Rivertown Tobacco Works Mystic Moor Bulk
I purchased these four, 4oz, samples of the RTW blends: Sunrise Select__Oak & Ember__Crimson Shadow__Mystic Moor. This one is the fourth/last blend I tried...and well, it's OK. I tried Sunrise Select first, Oak & Ember second, Crimson Shadow, and this Mystic Moor lastly. All of these I tried are just so-so. Mystic Moor, though, tries coming through as an English. Only the VA tries taking the spotlight here, leaving the Lat' a bit weak; and the VA needs some age. It, the VA, hits you with a highly citrus punch...just as did the others I tried. With Crimson Shadow being a bit more mellow, for the Red VA, than the others; for what I assume to be bright/light-VA. Although Oak & Ember tastes a bit different, for its Burley, Oak & Ember isn't likely to ever encroach upon the top of, or halfway up, my Burley-blend list. These are all pure 'T' but they are mild and, well, a bit bland/fresh. Perhaps perfect for an all day smoker, maybe, for blending something in to add some flavor/taste, or even after some age. I just removed Sunrise Select from the oven; after 2.5 hrs @ 190°F. I'll give it a couple of weeks in its jar before going round two with it and see if it improves. I'll likely stove this and the others as well. And then I will *Update* my reviews of these four RTW samples. My 3★ rating, for you know, is what I rate blends when they leave me on the fence; where the 2★-side is "not likely going to buy again" and the 4★-side is "likely going to keep around."...Read More
A solid English
February 09, 2025
Product: Rivertown Tobacco Works Mystic Moor Bulk
Honestly, I was prepared to be underwhelmed. I was wrong. This is a very good English blend that has everything you could want.
Nice Surprise
February 14, 2025
Product: Rivertown Tobacco Works Mystic Moor Bulk
To be honest I am not sure what I expected with a "new kid on the block" blend but I was pleasantly surprised. One thing drew me to this blend and it is Lakakia. Upon opening my 1 ounce bag I got the typical Lakakia aroma but nothing over powering. Got my trusty Chris Morgan Bones bent bulldog and took it for a spin. Moisture is just right, packs nicely and lights easily. You that Latakia flavor at the get go but it's not a Lat bomb. The Latakia comes on a little bit more towards the bottom of the bowl. Produces thick white puffy smoke which is what I look for in my Latakia blends and I would say takes less than normal amount of relights. Leaves a little doddle in the bottom but what blend doesn't? Very reasonably priced and in bulk. Someone has a review saying it is a good substitute for Frog Morton. I cannot make that comparison because I was not fortunate enough to be in the hobby when Frog Morton as around. I have had a couple of small samples given to me by friends and from those I know that I would have been a big Frog fan. So I give this blend 4.5 with the possibility of going to a 5 maybe with some age on it. I don't know if it would be an all day smoke but one that I would definitely would repeat during the day. I am sure this will be in my rotation. Going to get a few ounces and put it in the cellar. If you like a good Latakia blend that is not complicated then and is at a good price give this one try....Read More
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