10 Sleeper Blends From Cornell & Diehl

We're fans of sharing our top blends here on the Daily Reader. Whether we're talking about the most popular English blends to our perfect smokes for the season, we want to share some quality smokes with you. The number of blends we have on-site can be overwhelming, so today I'd like to share some of what I think are the most underrated blends from Cornell & Diehl. Whether you're new to pipe smoking or are a seasoned veteran of the briar, take a look at some of my favorite sleeper blends and see how many you've enjoyed.
1. Black Duck
Black Duck is a nuanced medium-to-full English blend of Latakia, Burleys, and unsweetened Black Cavendish. Does the Black Duck fly? You be the judge!
Available in: 2oz
"This is a very nice English blend, just loaded with flavor, but not obnoxious. The Cavendish really helps this fill out nicely and gives a solid body to it. This could be enjoyed any time of day or all day. The Duck does, in fact, fly, and fly well." - jewman22, 5-star review at Smokingpipes
2. Dreams of Kadath
Your journey to Kadath will not be an easy one. Before you descend the steps into the madness, prepare yourself with this fragrant blend of Dark-Fired Kentucky, Katerini, Perique, Virginia, Burley, and Black Cavendish.
Available in: 2oz
"This is a very special blend. Satisfying nicotine mixed with amazing flavor. The topping is fermented fruit, like grapes. Will be ordering again." - Fred U., 5-star review at Smokingpipes
3. Rajah's Court
Rajah's Court is a satisfying English blend of Latakia, Turkish, Red Virginia, and Bright Virginia flake, resulting in a delightfully balanced smoke worthy of a ruler's attention.
"This is a very good English blend with noticeable flavor from the Orientals. Just what I was looking for, and will get some more. Anyone who enjoys an English will like this one too." - Cornhusker, 5-star review at Smokingpipes
4. Strathspey
Strathspey is a traditional Scottish blend of smoky Latakia, peppery Orientals, and other choice leaf, with its name inspired by the region of the Scottish Highlands of the same name. This blend pairs well with an Islay or Speyside single malt, affording rich, peaty notes and perfect for winding down on chilly winter nights.
Available in: 2oz
"I struggle finding Latakias that aren't harsh or taste like burning rubber, but this one is certainly not the case. It has a perfect earthy and smoky flavor that is extremely well-balanced and comforting. Just my opinion, this is a better smoke than even the famed From Beyond." - Landstrider, 5-star review from Smokingpipes
5. Mad Fiddler Flake
Embrace the madness of the Mad Fiddler's eerie, otherworldly violin. As he reaches his crescendo, embers take to your leaf, setting your mixture of Virginia, Orientals, Perique, and Black Cavendish ablaze in the darkness.
Available in: 2oz
"5/5 Space Squids. The madness is spreading, don't fight it." - The Curse of Perfect Days, 5-star review at Smokingpipes
6. Sunset Harbor Flake
For lovers of the sea, one of the best moments is dropping an anchor and watching the dazzling sunset after a long day in the open blue. This flake-cut classic Balkan-style blend is made with the finest Izmir Oriental to add a touch of spice to the end of a perfect day at sea.
Available in: 2oz
"Amazing Balkan blend that never disappoints, its smoky Latakia heaven! Very underrated and need an 8OZ TIN ASAP!" - CT Piper, 5-star review at Smokingpipes
7. Kajun Kake
Kajun Kake offers a taste of the bayou with a touch of everyone's favorite Cajun spice: Louisiana Perique. Perique is added to naturally sweet Red Virginias that are then pressed into an old-fashioned crumble cake which deepens and marries the flavors for a complex smoke that is perfect for enjoying after a big dinner of gumbo and cornbread.
"Thick and rich. Stewed Red Virginia deliciousness with a gorgeous Perique backbone. Sweet, glorious excess in every last puff. Brilliant tobacco. I can also attest to this aging beautifully. Such a wonderful, rich tobacco." - perdelta, 5-star review at Smokingpipes
8. Kelly's Coin
Inspired by the infamous family of Australian bushrangers, the Ned Kelly Gang, and ideal for those a little rough around the edges, this full-bodied Burley blend packs a punch, burns smooth, and leaves you satisfied after just one bowl.
Available in: 2oz
"Kelly's Coin is another one of the infamous underrated, if not misunderstood, C&D baccy's! Smoked, rather sipped, in a Nording Natural Signature bent Chimney, one light, fine ash to the bottom. Wonderful nutty-earthy flavor with a sweet finish! Will be buying this by ten-count stacks going forward! Well done C&D, well done!" - Týr Blackthorn, 5-star review at Smokingpipes
9. Interlude
Interlude offers a pause with a rewarding smoke of deep flake-cut Red Virginia kissed with a touch of honey to develop the natural sweetness of the leaf. It's a sweet smoke perfect for the mid-day retreat on a busy workday.
Available in: 2oz
"This is really good. I find the Reds deep and flavorful. Lots of bread notes and some wood. With age, this blend smooths out, and the flavors become more pronounced. If you enjoy Red Virginia blends, this is one to try." - Sean V., 5-star review at Smokingpipes
10. Engine #611
Commemorating the last of Norfolk and Western Railway's J Class steam locomotives, this blend of Black Cavendish, Virginias, and Burleys – sweetened with a hint of coumarin vanilla – will have you firing on all cylinders. Full steam ahead.
"Lovely all-day smoke with a good, non-overpowering vanilla flavor. with undertones of brown sugar, or maybe molasses. Very nice tobacco that can be smoked anytime, anywhere." - Anthony F., 5-star review at Smokingpipes
That's 10 sleeper hits hidden in C&D's packed portfolio. Have you tried any? Has your interest been piqued? Do you have another hidden gem you think deserves the limelight? Let us know in the comments below. Happy smokes!
A note on the tobacco information.
Strength: a measure of the tobacco's body and nicotine. One is the lowest. Five s is the highest.
Room Note: a measure of the pleasantness or intensity of the smoke's odor to everyone else in the room. One is the least intense room note, while five s would be the most noticeable to others.
Taste: A measure of the the power and fullness of the smoke's flavor, with one being the most mellow and five s being the fullest.
Strathspey was purchased for the name! I liked it well enough but I'm overloaded with english blends and never repurchased. I will once my stash gets more reasonable.
Strathspey is one of my top two C&D tobaccos. It is my Sunday evening tobacco along with a wee dram of single malt Scotch. My other top favorite is Palmetto Balkan.
Sunset Harbor is one of my favorites. I’ll have to venture into the rest of the list.
The problem with them making so many, is that if you find a little one you like, the chances of it being discontinued in the future are very high - so it's hardly worth getting into.
I've tried three C & D blends and have been disappointed with each one. However, I intend to find a few that I actually like, starting with Dreams of Kadath. Thanks for the informative article!
I totally agree about the Black Duck and Kelly's Coin. Black Duck led me to Black Mallory, and now I love Scottish mixtures! Speaking of which, I'll have to try the Strathspey now!
Granby Station is another one. It has grown on me over time -- a well balanced light aromatic that has both elegance and a rustic edge, like a shiny locomotive. I've put some of these entries on my wishlist; I think my next round of exploration will focus on blends with Perique. Thanks for the post.
Speakeasy and Orient Express would've been nice to see on that list.
Red Odessa....nice nice medium English. And don't forget Tuskegee Airman for a great afternoon or morning 'change of pace'
Engine 99 but in a Meerschaum
Mountain Camp has become a go-to for me over the past two months. Flavorful and rich, a medium-strong aroma with plenty of smoke and nicotine. A winner in my book!
Rajah's Court is my replacement for Durbar. And the older it gets the more closer it gets. I have 3 lbs of 9 y.o. RC, and it's wonderful.