Cobblestone: Cafe Caffe Mocha Flake 1.5oz Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-861-0012

Burley, Oriental, and Virginia tobaccos all work together in this Caffe Mocha blend to produce a mix of earthy and floral tones, with a hint of spice. Dutch toppings of coffee, sweet and sour raspberry and a little vanilla complement the natural tobacco notes without drowning them out.

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  • Components: Virginia, Burley, Orientals
  • Family: Aromatic
  • Cut: Flake
Customer Reviews (2 Total)
Overall Rating:
3.75 out of 5 stars
June 15, 2021
Product: Cobblestone Cafe Caffe Mocha Flake 1.5oz
This is a pretty good smoke. The topping is light and not overpowering. It's not wet or overly sweet. Those around me commented on the pleasing smell with hints of raspberry and vanilla. Most of the toppings flavor is lost in smoking but the natural ... Read More
April 12, 2024
Product: Cobblestone Cafe Caffe Mocha Flake 1.5oz
——开罐后在搓草的双手中弥散出摩卡咖啡与微草混合后诱人的甜香。 初段体验:清淡而顺滑,时时唤起味蕾中既往在咖啡馆中摩卡咖啡品饮的体验。中段抽吸:香气逐渐浓郁,花香,烤麦香及深度烘焙咖啡豆香气,頻袭于口齿之间,过鼻感良好,即使烟量较大也不会对口腔和鼻腔产生刺感,非常适合喜欢烟草清淡口味的咖啡客品吸。虽不是日常必备的口粮草,但没进咖啡馆会时时想起它!
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