Rattray's: Professional Mixture 500g Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-055-0031

This Rattray's blend stimulates and soothes. Professional Mixture is made from the same top grade Virginias, but lightly seasoned with Orientals.
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Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
4 reviews
Professor's Mixture
February 05, 2021
Product: Rattray's Professional Mixture 100g
Professional Mixture to me has that old-timey, academic, indoor vibe about it. Like what I would imagine CG Jung or Albert Einstein had in their pipes. It's a bit mild in both flavor and strength and yet is really quite enjoyable. Tasty Virginias dominate the mix here with the bc, lat, and orientals used a bit sparingly just to enhance the experience. The result is amazing and I've grown to love this blend. The aroma is wonderful. At times seems less like an English and more like an mild aromatic, but without the bite. Nonetheless this blend benefits most from being smoked slowly. Best enjoyed while working at your desk or sitting in your favorite chair reading a hardcover....Read More
June 03, 2018
Product: Rattray's Professional Mixture 100g
Recently told this is an "overlooked" tobacco; and other Rattrays blends took precedence over Professional. IMO that's right on. I found this to be a very mellow medium-fullish English "of old". Great aroma, mellow taste, no bite at all, Virginias forward with the orientals and blk cav bringing up the rear to perfect balance. MOVE OVER RAPPAREE, HELLO PROFESSIONAL MIXTURE ! TRY SOME PROFESSIONAL, SO IT GETS THE ACCLAIM IT DESERVES. YOU'LL LOVE IT....Read More
This is blend that needs time to shine!
June 11, 2018
Product: Rattray's Professional Mixture 100g
Rattray does not date their tins. So if you open a tin of Professional Mixture and find the Virginias to be slightly bitter and the blend tasteless, put it away for at least six months, and you will come back to a completely different blend. This blend needs aging, as the ingredients need time to meld. After aging, the Virginias are sweet and the other ingredients take their rightful place in the supporting cast....Read More
Buy & enjoy
March 27, 2015
Product: Rattray's Professional Mixture 100g
Full taste tobacco aroma reminiscent of pipe smoke you think of when you think about the classic image of a smoking pipe.