Carter Hall: Carter Hall 1.5oz Pouch Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-590-0001

Carter Hall has been providing a straightforward and enjoyable pipe blend at an affordable price for well over a century by keeping things simple: ribbon-cut Virginia and Burley leaf of good quality, combined in the right proportions.

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  • Components: Virginia, Burley
  • Family: Burley
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
114 reviews
I am really going to irk some people with this review....but someone has to say it
February 05, 2018
Product: Carter Hall Carter Hall 1.5oz Pouch
Among pipe smokers we have a group of people that wear odd looking little hats and make YouTube video reviews for different tobaccos...I can't stand those people. They sit back with their pretentious narcissism and discredit all of the good ole OTC's only because that by doing so, they also know they are discrediting the traditions and culture of rural life and history...their critique of Carter Hall is just one such example. I actually grew up on a farm in North Carolina; not in Boston, or NYC, or Seattle, or some place like that. We didn't farm tobacco because we didn't have any allotments, but the farmer down the road did. My granddaddy every year would be allowed to harvest a small portion of tobacco as a barter to things we had and/or grew. He would air cure it, and shred it himself, lightly spray something like simple syrup on it (i.e., sugar water), and guess what, it tasted just like Carter Hall when we smoked it (yes, I started smoking a pipe at a young age--12 in fact). Carter Hall doesn't have "undertones of honey" or "vanilla" or anything imaginary like's simply a clean, smooth, great tasting tobacco that smokes cool and tastes consistent throughout the bowl. Please don't get caught up in all of the ignorance and pretentious idiocy that comes from others on the internet about Carter Hall; if you want an excellent traditional tasting smoke, this should be the first one you try (the other may be Sir Walter Raleigh's original blend)....Read More
Don't Dismiss It because it's OTC
July 10, 2017
Product: Carter Hall Carter Hall 1.5oz Pouch
I am 61 and started pipe smoking at age 18 with the original Borkum Riff and Captain Black, their aromatic properties winning my allegiance. I never tried Carter Hall before. Then at our last pipe club meeting one of our senior members, threw a pouch each of Carter Hall, Half & Half, and Sir Walter Raleigh on the table and said "try out what your grandfathers smoked, boys." We did, and I found that I had given these OTC (over the counter) blends short shrift. Are we all tobacco snobs sooner or later? ;-) We get so wrapped up in our tinned blends of Balkans and Syrian Latakias, Virgians and St. James Perique, that we forget that sometimes simple is okay, and maybe even good. I've got perhaps fifty blends at home and am cellaring many good ones for even more variety, so perhaps that's why I was open now to these OTCs, of which I personally liked Carter Hall best. It is a nice blend of Burley--which I've always slighted--and Virginias. Some claim a top note--perhaps, but it is undetectable by me over the flavor of the Burley and Virginia. One large point seems worth making. It seems common knowledge that one "sips" Virginias, rather than smoking them like the pipe is a runaway locomotive on a steep downhill grade. Well, this applies to a Burley-VA blend as well, and in my further experimentation with straight Burleys of late, I suggest that Burleys are to be sipped as well. I guess my approach is this. If the flavor of a tobacco is subtle, sip it slowly and let the smoke move around in your mouth, approaching your various taste buds until it finds the ones that resound with pleasure. If you accordian the smoke in and out, your taste buds will not enjoy the tobacco. Frankly this is why so many new smokers go headfirst into heavily cased aromatics, or, lately, strong Latakia tobaccos early on. I believe they are looking for a flavor hit that engulfs their taste buds like a jalapeno. The pipe smoker with a few thousand bowls behind him comes to realize that in this way at least, smoking a pipe is like drinking a fine bourbon or single malt scotch. (Or wine, for you guys reading this and still wearing your tie). You get nothing but drunk gulping booze. That's only fun until you pass your teen years. With a pipe, smoking it like a cigarette is not fun at all, for you or your tongue--or your palate.

I bet you thought I'd never return to talking about Carter Hall. Tobaccos like this are a great treat for your palate because they are mild, yet when smoked slowly, in small puffs (sipping), they reward us with a very pleasing flavor and yet are gentle on a tongue that may have been abused by our experimentation with other blends that are not nearly as gentle. I recommend Carter Hall as an inexpensive and pleasant way to while away the hours between the next pipeful of Samuel Gawith 1792.
...Read More
Dear God What Happened?
December 26, 2024
Product: Carter Hall Carter Hall 14oz
Remember the light touch that Carter Hall had when it was produced in the States? Many of us do. I don’t know what this is, other than the tin note, —albeit with enhanced lowtide essence, but it’s not Carter Hall. Cannot be smoked in any pipe: filtered, unfiltered, meerschaum, cob, Falcon, ad nauseam. Aired for a month. Toasted some in the oven. The future appears to be a flat circle where the only choices are going to be palatable, but unavailable; or merde, merde, and more merde. Happy piping indeed....Read More
Pretty good
December 13, 2024
Product: Carter Hall Carter Hall 14oz
At the risk of incurring the scorn of tobacco snobs everywhere, I like this blend. I’ve seen several reviews claiming it has no flavor. That has not been my experience. If it is sipped, as all pipe tobaccos should be, there is quite a bit of good flavor coming through. If one smokes it too fast, you lose that flavor. It smokes cool, is easy to light, and easy to keep burning. I love my PS Navy Flake, Orlik, St. Bruno, G. L. Pease Westminster, and a couple of other good tobaccos. However, I also enjoy CH a great deal. My only quibble is that the flavor, while enjoyable, is pretty much the same throughput the smoke. There’s not much variety, unlike some of the other blends I enjoy....Read More
December 08, 2024
Product: Carter Hall Carter Hall 14oz
It’s a simple, easy smoking tobacco. Mild flavor and consistent, what more can you ask for.
25 years and still good
February 04, 2025
Product: Carter Hall Carter Hall 14oz
Carter Hall has been my “daily bread” for 25+ years. It tastes great, smells fantastic (I often get people asking what I’m smoking), and the price is right at about $2.77/oz. The one and only criticism I have for this blend is it tends to burn down very quickly. Not a bid deal at all, but if you want to get a long smoke out of it, you better pack a huge bowl! All in all, an absolutely classic American OTC for all the right reasons. A true “pipe smoker’s” smoke....Read More
Home cooking and warm blankets
October 23, 2024
Product: Carter Hall Carter Hall 14oz
In my pipe smoking journey which has been a little over 20 years I never found a tobacco that I wanted every day anytime, until this one. I started out with aromatics and hated them, moved to English/Balkan and enjoyed them sometimes, then to VaPers and really enjoyed the McClelland blends but still not something I wanted everyday. I have a ton of fancy tobaccos in my cellar (BS, esoterica, GL please, McClelland, dunhill, etc), and I enjoyed all of them. But nothing relaxed me or made me want to pack another bowl as much as Carter Hall. I feel like I went in reverse - fancy to OTC, but this stuff is amazing. The HH version of Chatham Manor is also really really good, but different. Both CH and CM are my go to smokes now. Just mellow, uncomplicated, slightly sweet burly with a great room note. Will never bite you and always comforts like home cooking and warm blankets. Plus my mustache smells amazing after smoking this. Like bourbon chocolate smoke, a flavor saver for the rest of the evening. I went through quite a few OTC blends (half & half, SWR, SWRA, Captain Black, PA). Carter Hall, Chatham Manor, and Chestnut (Walnut match) are not just my favorite OTCs, but my favorite pipe tobaccos! Obviously, YMMV, but I have found my happy place after 20+ years....Read More
Simply OTC
April 15, 2024
Product: Carter Hall Carter Hall 14oz
A simple OTC with great taste that burns clean. No tongue bite or over power taste. Easy to pack and stays lit from the 1st lite. This is my go to for everyday smoke. Doesn't matter what kind of pipe you use it's going to be good.
old fashionn and very good
July 09, 2024
Product: Carter Hall Carter Hall 14oz
for a relaxing, and very good smoke this is hard to beat. Smooth and flavorful. Codgers know what they are talking about.
Okay, better as a filler
June 03, 2024
Product: Carter Hall Carter Hall 14oz
It doesn't have any taste any smell, basic nothingness. This would be great as a filler. But personally I can not see smoking bowl after bowl of this. It's better then other cheaper tobaccos that's for sure.