
Cornell & Diehl: Belmont Station Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 005-459-0104

A rich, complex journey of Black Cavendish and bright Virginias, passing through regions of dark Burleys and dark-fired Kentucky, elevated by vanilla and dark rum. All aboard.

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Also available:

Cornell & Diehl: Belmont Station 2oz Belmont Station 2oz
  • Components: Virginia, Dark Fired Kentucky, Burley, Black Cavendish
  • Family: Aromatic
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
13 reviews
Was not impressed
December 04, 2024
Product: Cornell & Diehl Belmont Station 2oz
So far, I hate I bought a two ounce tin and not a one ounce bulk. I had high hopes, sounded good. But for me, just something off with the taste, and smell. I don't think I've had a blend with dark fired Kentucky, so not sure if that's it or not. Not overjoyed with it. I'll give it another shot later...Read More
Not quite as described
November 11, 2024
Product: Cornell & Diehl Belmont Station 2oz
All I got out of this was the dark overwhelmed everything else it claimed and the vanilla wasn't present at all. Pretty spicy for an aromatic with Cavendish though the bag note was pleasant. I also thought the strength was a bit more than indicated. I'll pass pass along the remainder of the 2 ounces in bulk I bought....Read More
Belmont Station
December 03, 2023
Product: Cornell & Diehl Belmont Station Bulk
A satisfying all day smoke. Little bite, and always enjoyable'
5 star
April 04, 2022
Product: Cornell & Diehl Belmont Station Bulk
I have been a pipe smoker for 50+ years. I have always been an aromatic fan. As such, I’m always looking for flavor without smoking a bowl of fire from the casing. On a whim I ordered a pound of Belmont Station. The nuances of the casing comes thru nicely, but with the addition of burley it has texture. My search is over with Belmont Station. C & D you hit a home run. I rated this a 5 star but only 3 stars showed up....Read More
October 21, 2021
Product: Cornell & Diehl Belmont Station 2oz
May 28, 2021
Product: Cornell & Diehl Belmont Station 2oz
I smoke a lot of aromatics... Thought this would be nice, but was disappointed. On paper this looks similar to MB Plumcake, but change out the latakia for dark fired. The unpleasant result is a deertongue-like flavor mixed with old laundry and bad cheese. If you like C&D Gentleman Caller with an added limburger topping, give this a try. Everyone else should pass this by...Read More
Disappoint ed
February 25, 2021
Product: Cornell & Diehl Belmont Station Bulk
I like aromatics and enjoy C&D’s Autumn Evening and Nutty Irishman. Read good things about Belmont but found it lacking in flavor. Could not find any vanilla
Belmont Station
February 21, 2018
Product: Cornell & Diehl Belmont Station Bulk
Picked up a pound of this one during C&D's bulk sale, and the description got me. A bit damp out of the bag, but no stickiness, so I'm guessing more water than PG humectant. The tobacco presents itself in black and gold ribbons interspersed by varying shades of brown. The nose picks up rum for sure, and for some reason, a hint of cherry, but the vanilla is hard to find. Very reminiscent of Daughter's & Ryan's London Dock. Though the moisture is perfect from the bag, I prefer drier tobacco, so 20 minutes on a paper towel before loading. Belmont Station likes a light packing and soft touch with a tamper, but takes fire easily, and burns cool and dry. Though an aromatic, the tobacco isn't totally masked by the Cavendish and other toppings. The vanilla presents itself more in the smoke than in the bag, and a rum sweetness lingers on the tongue. A bit of hay in the nose on the retrohale with a bit of spice in the background that I'm guessing is the Dark Fired Kentucky. A nice slow burn to the bottom of a pre '70s Savinelli 9004, as it's inaugural smoke since restoration, with two relights, and little dottle or moisture. Leaves a great room note, and could easily be an all day smoke. I give this 4 out of 5 stars for what it is, but raise it to 5 as a less expensive alternative to the above mentioned London Dock. Fans of Autumn Evening may enjoy this one, as it is yet another drier aromatic offering from Cornell and Diehl....Read More
November 06, 2018
Product: Cornell & Diehl Belmont Station Bulk
Ok & growing on me. I'm a huge aromatic smoker, but this isn't strictly an aromatic. The dark Kentucky adds something interesting, but almost undesirable. Very complex, but I'm not quite sure it's good.
I'm lucky.
April 23, 2018
Product: Cornell & Diehl Belmont Station Bulk
I keep trying aromatics and keep being disappointed. I'm sure that there is quality tobacco in this blend but the casing or topping gags me. Luckily, my next door neighbor loves aromatics, so he benefits from me trying to like aromatics.
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