G. L. Pease: Abingdon 2oz Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-029-0036

A full Balkan style blend with a generous measure of Cyprian Latakia, seasoned with fine Red and Lemon Yellow Virginia tobaccos, and enhanced with rich Oriental leaf. Pease's Abingdon is bold and assertive, while retaining a stylish finesse.

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Also available:

G. L. Pease: Abingdon 8oz Abingdon 8oz
  • Components: Virginia, Latakia, Orientals
  • Family: English
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews (40 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.43 out of 5 stars
March 13, 2024
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
2021年GLP 阿宾登 生草:强烈的烟熏味、铁腥味。 香气:烟熏,果香,奶味,少许坚果,新鲜水果的香气,花香,木香,果香与花香结合的很好。再就是铁腥味儿。 口腔里面能感受到:强烈的果酸,后面伴随着明显的这种果甜也会有咸口。 烟气方面过鼻刺激,烟熏感强烈,整体厚重且浓郁。烟气会有些许的干燥,因为强烈的烟熏,口腔里面可能会有些许的这种刺激感,尾段过鼻酸爽。 这款斗草试下来还是比较适合用弯斗来抽,整体下来,风味保持的很好,稳定且浓郁,5星标准。
Balkan Beauty
November 17, 2017
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
This is admittedly my first dive into the Balkan blend, but I can say without a doubt this is one of the better tobaccos I have smoked. The flavor is assertive: smokey and savory are descriptors that come to mind. The room note is great as well. My w... Read More
November 13, 2023
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
生草;强烈烟熏、铁腥味、果香、 强烈的烟熏、果味、坚果、木香、铁腥味、斗温高、味道浓郁、果酸、奶味、L草含量高,非常过瘾,值得推荐。
Full of Flavor
April 14, 2018
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
This is my second week of pipe-smoking, yes I am a beginner. This is the most flavorful blend that I have smoked so far out of several other blends. I will definitely be ordering some more of this. For beginning pipe smokers this is a blend for me th... Read More
March 17, 2021
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
劲道2.8 饱满度3.8 室韵 3.0 GLP的一款经典调配,这是一款巴尔干调配,秉承了巴尔干调配一贯的特色,VOL的融合很均衡。前段有着较为刺激的辛辣感,主线风味除辛辣感外并没有除传统巴尔干调配外明显的特色。中段开始,辛辣感减弱到非常低,这时开始,一股类似于奶油蘑菇汤的韵味出现,淡淡的咸味搭配中等的甜度以及奶味,这样的味道真的是非常的美味!尾段开始,甜度略微降低,但是主线仍然是奶味和甜味。嘴里的奶油余韵抽完斗后余留了很久。这款草的中段及中后段个人感受非常好。整体的燃烧和烟气斗温表现也在非常好的... Read More
Bold, Richly Flavored and Refined Balkan
February 20, 2020
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 8oz
A very rich, dark and bold flavor profile; this is a moderately fired latakia with a good depth of dark stoved VA and oriental sweetness. The oriental is stoved, and so the brighter - sour, verdant and zesty notes are subdued, however the sweetness ... Read More
November 18, 2017
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
I save a 5 stars for something from out of this world, but Abingdon is truly amazing tobacco. Pure beauty
September 09, 2016
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
Smokey, smooth and delicious. Not as bold as expected. Simply perfect.
One of my first blends.
September 01, 2022
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
I've been smoking pipes for about 20 yrs and one of my first blends was Abingdon. I was new to pipe smoking and loved the blend so I bought a lot of it. As is the way of pipes I began trying a lot of other blends and have had many favorites. Somew... Read More
A Favorite!
July 23, 2021
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 8oz
My normal rotation consists of heavy Latakia blends like Gas Light, Pirate Kake etc. However, this blend comes across with a terrific flavor from the red and yellow Virginias and Orientals. They are not too spicy or sweet and blend well with the lata... Read More
Constant favorite
September 17, 2022
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
Very smooth, cool, and full flavored blend without being overwhelming. It's always on my top tobacco list.
June 13, 2022
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
不想评论的 TMD一评论就涨价 哎 什么时候我们国家也能发展起自己的斗丝文化
February 13, 2021
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
Rich and hardy great flavor smooth and sweet. Love it
Great English
April 23, 2020
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
This blend is to me an all day English blend. This is a totally balanced tobacco that will appeal to the latakia lover and the English purest. This blend is a ribbon cut and the moisture content was smoke ready out of the tin. To me the Virginia and ... Read More
January 13, 2020
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
After one bowl I am hooked.This is a masterful tobacco with a pleasing subtle sweetness. This and Westminster have become fast favorites with the edge going to Abingdon. Great job Mr.Pease.....again !
May 08, 2019
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
I have enjoyed everything I have tried from G.L. Pease and Abingdon is no exception. Pack it loose light it up and enjoy the evening...
Well done G.L.Pease
January 28, 2019
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
This is a great blend. Latakia up front but not over whelming, then the Orientals take center stage, with a hint of Virginia sweetness. It has varying degrees of complexity and it stays interesting through the entire bowl.
January 10, 2019
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
This is why pipe smoking was invented. This is a delicious easy smoking English blend wonderful flavoring. It is on the mild side. There some sweetness, and smokiness with a smidge creaminess, but no tongue bite.
Did not fail to please
June 22, 2018
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
I had read about this blend many times. I love latakia, but for some reason, I have passed on this blend. Finally, a buddy brought some to try. The tin note was exquisite. The latakia and orientals seem to call to you. The moisture level was optimal ... Read More
Top notch!
October 06, 2015
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
Of all the Balkan Blends I have tried this is by far the best I have ever had! Worth ordering more in the future! Absolutely divine! The Latakia is definitely there, not over powering, smooth, Mellow bold, flavorful! Can't say enough about it, except... Read More
another great one from GLP
August 10, 2015
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
This one made me smile with first lite - it mellowed very quickly and I continues to smile. A wonderful balance that haunted me until I came back to it again and again.
Incredibly Rich Flavour
June 22, 2013
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 8oz
After only four bowls this spicy Balkan is hitting my regular rotation!
Absolutely amazing!
September 18, 2024
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
Abingdon is tied with Balkan Supreme as my absolute favorite Balkan blends. I'm a Balkan lovers, and have tried every Balkan I can get my hands on. The amount of Oriental spice and Latakia smokiness here is absolute perfection. Standard English blend... Read More
Abingdon, for such a full-flavored
April 28, 2024
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
FINALLY I've found the right Pease blend for me, in Abingdon. Warrants a category higher than "highly recommended" Perhaps "enthusiastically" or "fanitically". Burns very slow, cool, clean, smooth and a little creamy wit... Read More
My Daily Favorite
November 05, 2023
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
Abington has quickly become my go to blend. Abingdon is not too strong, not too mild, just right, an all day smoke. I particularly enjoy the floral/citrus notes on the retrohale.
Balkan Sobranie, Eat your heart out!
October 04, 2023
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
This is my favorite Balkan blend. If I'm being honest it is my favorite all-time blend. Fresh out of the tin it is immaculate. A year cellared, it's somehow even more immaculate. It's the Goldilocks of Balkans. Spicy, earthy, sweet, creamy, rich, sm... Read More
September 11, 2023
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 8oz
It's fabulous and definitely worth getting some.
June 25, 2023
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
very nice!
November 22, 2022
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 8oz
Tin note of smoke and spiced wine. The very thin ribbon cut is brown, black and tan. Tobacco is moist but not dry, no prep or drying needed. Burns moderate with few relights. The strength is medium and nic is mild. No flavoring detected. Taste is med... Read More
Good Balkan blend
July 29, 2022
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
This is more tobaccoy than latakia. I like as a break from Latakias.
Really nice
February 09, 2022
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
This is a nice blend its full and robust, the flavors are well refined and balanced this is a great winter time blend and I bet would hold up very well to a snowy walk
It's a hit
October 12, 2021
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
Picked this up after hearing a positive review on my favorite pipe smoking podcast and was excited to give it a go. I pulled it out to share with a few buddies of mine one night and everybody loved it. Even the guy trying a pipe for his first time lo... Read More
July 24, 2021
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
cracked open a tin this morning not bad smooth and mellow no bite i think i will add a little lat to pep it up.
Very Enjoyable
May 09, 2021
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
I find that the orientals play a much more dominant role in this than in many other balkans. The latakia is there and is mildly smokey and silky smooth. The Virginias are doing there thing adding a slight sweetness to the blend working well with the ... Read More
A Big Balkan Blend
November 16, 2018
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
Abingdon is a rich, full-bodied, and bold Balkan mixture. It’s an assertive blend, yet subtle and sophisticated. Dark notes of leather and smoldering wood intertwine with softer undercurrents of earthy sweetness while the Orientals offer a fragrant h... Read More
An old favorite that's still easy to find.
September 08, 2018
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
With so many great tobaccos becoming increasingly hard to find in stock (Esoterica, Sobranie, Germain's, etc.), it's nice to see G.L. Pease: Abingdon is still around and easy to purchase. I started smoking Abingdon some time in the early 00s I believ... Read More
Pease's "Nightcap"
August 30, 2018
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
This blend reminds me of a line from 43rd Bengal Lancers: "May be too strong for Forsythe: late of the 'Blues'." This is a strong blend, and no mistake. The tin note is smoky, meaty, and makes no bones about it. I did not find any fruity presence wha... Read More
Updated Review
August 06, 2018
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 8oz
After a slow start Abingdon is becoming my favorite Lat blend ever. Why my first couple of bowls seemed dull remains a mystery but now that I'm half-way through the tin I really enjoy it. I'll order an 8oz. can next.
Shows Promise
July 14, 2018
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 2oz
My first two bowls, in and Ashthon and a Peterson were bland and not appealing. Subsequent tries in an Eltang, a Dunhill, and a Ferndown were quite nice with a full but not overwhelming Latakia taste.
March 28, 2015
Product: G. L. Pease Abingdon 8oz
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