
G. L. Pease: Samarra 20th Anniversary 2oz Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-029-0099

One of the first blends Pease released in 2000, Samarra is a refinement of a blend Greg originally developed for Drucquer & Sons in the 1980s called Sublime Porte. For this special anniversary edition, Greg has elevated the mixture by incorporating a blend of vintage Basma, Samsun, and Black Sea Soukhoum Orientals into the original recipe. According to Greg, "the 20th-Anniversary edition offers deep additional layers of incense-like spice, a distinctive earthiness, and an almost Sherry-like creaminess." It possesses all the signature qualities that have made Samarra a cellar-worthy staple, but with more nuance and complexity courtesy of these rare varietals.

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  • Components: Virginia, Latakia, Perique, Orientals
  • Family: English
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews (4 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.38 out of 5 stars
March 17, 2021
Product: G. L. Pease Samarra 20th Anniversary 2oz
劲道3.0 饱满度 4.0 室韵3.0,选用了顶级O草,提供了非常丰富的前中后段变化 这款草原始版本是GLP老板最爱的调配之一。周年限定款增加了很多不一样的变化,最大的变化是增加了厚重感和复杂性,前段淡奶油味和坚果味,芬芳甜美;中前段开始,主线味道偏木调,舌尖的跳跳糖酸爽感进入并持续到了尾段;尾段又回到了淡奶味。从头到尾的烟气变化明显,口感优秀。唯一的缺点是小品级的产量以及略微有点高的斗温。可惜注定成为不了口粮。如果遇到千万不要错过! 欢迎去B站关注“躲在厕所抽斗的克里斯”,里面有详细测评
Twin Leads
December 04, 2020
Product: G. L. Pease Samarra 20th Anniversary 2oz
The Orientals and the Latakia seem to come forward at the sane time without one taking first place. The extra dash of quality Orientals makes this blend, giving it a nice tang. It's a fine English blend that seems to be a hybrid of Dunhill Standa... Read More
Best I’ve ever had
December 02, 2020
Product: G. L. Pease Samarra 20th Anniversary 2oz
Don’t purchase so I can have them all!!! I gave this a 5 of 5 .
Best I’ve ever had
December 02, 2020
Product: G. L. Pease Samarra 20th Anniversary 2oz
Don’t purchase so I can have them all!!!