Ser Jacopo Picta Miro Pipes
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+About Ser Jacopo
While you would be hard-pressed to find a Pesaro master that hasn't spent some time carving at Ser Jacopo, for thirty years Giancarlo Guidi, the 'sun source' of the Pesaro school, was the metaphorical sol around which all aspects of the company revolved. The already refined shapes of Mastro de Paja (Guidi's former place of employment) had became incrementally more elegant and sophisticated with each passing year. A greater breadth of sizes and finishes emerged, along with well thought out series and collections. Certainly one of the most important elements within Ser Jacopo's 'great leap forward' (not in the Maoist sense) was a new emphasis on the pairing of briar with a breathtaking variety of stylized mounts; at the time of this writing, almost thirty distinctively different mount and band combinations are possible on any given pipe.
Giancarlo passed away after a long illness on August the sixth, 2012 and, in the months preceding, devoted a great deal of thought and energy towards the upcoming transition and the ever-continuing progress of his legendary marque. Today the Maestro's vision lives on and continues to evolve through the capable eyes and hands of five artisans. Gazing at the post-Giancarlo Ser Jacopos of today, there can be no doubt that Guidi's planning and tutelage was on par with most everything he attempted; masterful.
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While you would be hard-pressed to find a Pesaro master that hasn't spent some time carving at Ser Jacopo, for thirty years Giancarlo Guidi, the 'sun source' of the Pesaro school, was the metaphorical sol around which all aspects of the company revolved. The already refined shapes of Mastro de Paja (Guidi's former place of employment) had became incrementally more elegant and sophisticated with each passing year. A greater breadth of sizes and finishes emerged, along with well thought out series and collections. Certainly one of the most important elements within Ser Jacopo's 'great leap forward' (not in the Maoist sense) was a new emphasis on the pairing of briar with a breathtaking variety of stylized mounts; at the time of this writing, almost thirty distinctively different mount and band combinations are possible on any given pipe.
Giancarlo passed away after a long illness on August the sixth, 2012 and, in the months preceding, devoted a great deal of thought and energy towards the upcoming transition and the ever-continuing progress of his legendary marque. Today the Maestro's vision lives on and continues to evolve through the capable eyes and hands of five artisans. Gazing at the post-Giancarlo Ser Jacopos of today, there can be no doubt that Guidi's planning and tutelage was on par with most everything he attempted; masterful.