December 14, 2024
Product: Sutliff #600 Mixture 79 Bulk
This mixture is smooth and burns well to the bottom of the bowl. There is very little dottle left and it is easy to keep lit. It's just sweet enough to have a pleasant aroma without being overpowering.
Always smooth never bites!
August 16, 2024
Product: Sutliff #600 Mixture 79 Bulk
I really love this stuff, posting another review because this stuff is so good! I seriously dont understand the bad rep of this stuff, to me i get old timey sasperilla goodness from the pouch and the smoke give burley goodness with a lil whiskey and a lil vanilla note, and some more! None of the flavors take from the tobaccos them selves though, this is HIGH quality leaf, when rubbed out you can see some birds eyes on the leaf, although ive noticed there is different ways to smoke this that other reviewers dont seem to notice, this is a chunky rough cut tobacco, it takes some finesse to smoke these kinds of tobaccos, if you want a slow sippin smoke, than pack this as is with some dry time to dry the chunks out somewhat, they will get crispy on the outside and will provide a cool burn, if you want a little faster burn with a little more kick and, more tobacco flavor, id recommend rubbing this out and getting it to the dryness of a english blend, you can smoke this stuff fresh out of the pouch but if youre inexperienced with this stuff its best to try it on the dryer side sipped slow at first, there really is different ways to smoke this stuff, so if you dont like the 1st bowl, please give it a try some other ways before bashing this blend, i notice a lot of people really hate on this blend without really giving it a fair shot, of cours you wont get to see a tobaccos potention if you take 2 puffs and throw it away, sometimes it takes a bit to really realize if you like something, sometimes you can not like a blend at first and then it can grow on you! I try to give an unbiased review of this tobacco, so think for yourself and try this amazing blend! Youll find a great old school western style smoke with a flavor not found in todays stuff! Dont forget this stuff was originally produced in the west! California my home state!...Read More
August 21, 2024
Product: Sutliff #600 Mixture 79 Bulk
Very good mildly flavored smokey tobacco. You can taste a mild hint of smokey savory herbs and a good taste of mostly tobacco. Strong in effect. Very mild in flavor and bite.
June 14, 2024
Product: Sutliff #600 Mixture 79 Bulk
terrible bite, burned hot, scent of burning wet weeds. No thanks.
February 21, 2021
Product: Sutliff #600 Mixture 79 Bulk
Ok, brace yourself: I LOVE this sh*t! Due to a sales promotion by SP, I did something I have never done before. I ordered an entire pound of this without ever having smoked it. Normally that would be crazy enough, but to do that with the most polarizing blend on the planet? What's wrong with me? Let me explain: I love British Lakelands, black liquorice, blends with anisette like H & H, Grousemoor, nostalgia, history, Frank Sinatra, Hugh Hefner, the Playboy Bunnies, sarsaparilla, root beer, bourbon old fashions, drug store blends, my Granny's closet, old lady's perfume, stirring up snakes, and buying tobacco in bulk. Make sense now? No? Oh well, I can understand your hesitancy to accept my reasoning. I'm doubting myself.
Still, I can't stop smoking this stuff and find the only impediment is getting my aroma-sniffing nose out of the bag long enough to take a puff. And I FIRMLY believe that, besides Vitamin N, Sutliff has added a potent, addictive ingredient (crack?) to this Devil's weed from hell! Pray for me! 🙏...Read More
Not the same as the pouch
June 24, 2023
Product: Sutliff #600 Mixture 79 Bulk
Its ok, not terrible, a bit bitey and hard to keep lit. what rates it so low for me is that it is barely like mixture 79 from the pouch. the bulks flavors are extremely muted and somehow it bites way worse. my recommendation is to just buy the pouch, far more satisfying
March 26, 2023
Product: Sutliff #600 Mixture 79 Bulk
I know this blend is vilified in many forums, but I bought the bulk version and it's actually good! The flavor is rich and satisfying, it smokes, cool, dry, fragrant, and doesn't bite, and has a decent nicotine level. Give it a try!
October 02, 2022
Product: Sutliff #600 Mixture 79 Bulk
Do you still have an old old aunt or grandmother living? Do you remember what her house smells like, no not baking cookies, the other smell, the smell of old cheap perfume. I do not know what type of perfume 80 year old women wear, but it all smells the same, just like this tobacco, terrible. I was warned about this vile weed, but had to go and find out for myself, I thought nothing could be that bad. Believe me this one is! but this evil brew is not fit for human (or any other) consumption. Leave this one be, you'll be glad you did. This stuff tastes as bad or worse than it smells, it will ruin whatever it is smoked in, so if you must try it, buy a cob to smoke it in, then when you have to bury the pipe you won't loose much. Don't just throw it away, somebody might pick it up and decide to never become a pipesmoker because of it. Anyone who likes this concoction is truly a masochist of the rarist kind, and quite frankly scares me. I did not know that tobacco could be turned into so perverse a mixture, it truly is a shame. 0 out of 10 and not fit to smoke...Read More
July 14, 2022
Product: Sutliff #600 Mixture 79 Bulk
I was looking for that old timer smoke that you just can't put your finger on what that smell is but it brings back all the memories of the old pipe smokers. If your not a fan of black liquorice than this might not be for you. It smells super strong in the bag but it smokes rather modest, not a super liquorice smell on the smoke. But I really enjoy it. Almost no bit and very relaxing....Read More
April 14, 2022
Product: Sutliff #600 Mixture 79 Bulk
with its "raison d´etre", not my thing though. Nice burleys,.due to i guess soaking them, unfortunately they cant evolve much. worth a try, some might be surprised and like this a lot.