CAO: Bella Vanilla 50g Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-294-0007

Much as there was a crossover from Aromatic pipe tobacco to flavored cigars, this is the exact reverse; for CAO has taken the essences contained within their best-selling Bella Vanilla Cigarillos and has made it available in tin for the pipe smoker. CAO takes rubbed out Virginia flakes and cases them with an extract of pure Madagascar vanilla bean, a vanilla source that is widely regarded as the finest on the planet.

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  • Components: Virginia, Black Cavendish
  • Family: Aromatic
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
7 reviews
Good, but Vanilla sometimes hard to find.
February 14, 2020
Product: CAO Bella Vanilla 50g
Very, very mild blend. Vanilla is there, but it's beyond subtle. For the name, I expected it to be more forward. Though, it's a good blend. Great with tea in the morning.
Let it sit
June 26, 2018
Product: CAO Bella Vanilla 50g
Trust me. If at first you've had a negative experience with this blend (as I did), and with a fresh tin, then jar it up and forget about it for a while. You will be amply rewarded.
Not Expected
May 07, 2017
Product: CAO Bella Vanilla 50g
When I opened this tin, it didn't smell at all like vanilla. When I actually smoked it, it was even less vanilla tasting. Now, on that note, this is not a bad tobacco. It smokes quite smoothly and has a decent mild taste. I just feel as though calling this tobacco a vanilla flavor is just not right. If you truly want the vanilla taste, stick with something like Stanwell...Read More
Decent Aromatic Vanilla by CAO
March 29, 2015
Product: CAO Bella Vanilla 50g
As a former avid cigar smoker I appreciate Cao trying to step across the aisle for pipers- sort of getting back to their company roots. There is a number of things to like about their offerings for the pipe. This tobacco is a true danish.. not wet, not ribbon cut, more "ready rubbed". The tin and room notes are wonderful. Really stellar. Mild and sweet. The burn from the bowl smells just like taste of the bella vanilla cigars, but that's where the similarities end. The flavor itself falls flat a bit. Maybe my love of bella vanilla cigars works against me in this case as I wanted the smoke to taste more like the great, balanced sweet flavor of the cigars, but in this iteration it is much more thin and though there is a vanilla flavor, the virginian isn't really discernable. Also this blend, like other danishes, burns hot, so one really has to ease off the puffing, and then the flavors come together a bit more.. Still not as good as those damn cigars though....Read More
Probably Won't Order Again
April 03, 2015
Product: CAO Bella Vanilla 50g
It came rather wet and so the first few bowls weren't quite so flavorful and were a bit harsh. As it dried out it got better. It became smoother and the vanilla become more noticeable. Overall though, there's better vanilla aromatics out there.
Bella Vanilla, 50g tin
June 29, 2013
Product: CAO Bella Vanilla 50g
Bella Vanilla, 50g tin Star Rating = 4.5 Rating Scores - 10 is the Best and 0 is the Worst Pouch Note = 9 Room Note = 9 Flavor = 9 Bite = 9 Burn = 9 After Taste = 8 Raw Score = 53 Rated Percentage = 88% Comment = Smooth, Very Mild, nice vanilla pouch Note & Flavor, has a little After Taste...Read More
You gotta really love vanilla
October 08, 2012
Product: CAO Bella Vanilla 50g
Yup.. you really really have to love vanilla. You can tell that they were shooting for vanilla... they got vanilla!