1-Q is a De Rigeur Pipe Tobacco
June 22, 2014
Product: Lane Limited 1-Q Bulk
...in social situations and for both beginning and advanced pipe smokers. I say socially, because 1-Q is the quintessential pipe smoke whose aroma non-pipe smokers remember with fondness. The room note is so pleasant that anyone who complains about it is just plain being a freakish, high-minded wood tick.
Good for beginners because 1-Q doesn't take a lot of fuss to enjoy. It's a good one with which to learn to pack a pipe because I've always found it easy to light and also forgiving if I don't get the pack quite right, and we do tend to learn from our mistakes where packing a pipe is concerned. And, you'll get a good Virginia tobacco flavor along with the light sweetness of the casing.
Good for advanced pipe smokers too because, having worked at a local tobacconist for a couple of years after college, this was far and away our best seller to young and old pipe smokers as well as our most common ingredient in blending. It's a smooth, lightly sweet flavored tobacco without being overpowering on the tongue. That light sweetness feels natural to the tobacco too, not heavy as with some other cased products like the cherry or whiskey flavored aromatics, nothing against them. An excellent choice with which to begin your pipe smoking odyssey, and you'll likely return to it again and again as well, as one does with an old and trusted friend.
P.S. My own experience was that once I wanted to expand my palate and choices, a good place to go from Lane's 1-Q was to try McClelland 2010, followed by McClelland 2000....Read More
May 13, 2017
Product: Lane Limited 1-Q Bulk
i do not understand how people love this stuff so much, after trying McClellands Top Quality Gold and toasted you can tell the huge difference in tobacco leaf quality, this stuff is more like floor sweepings or shaved newspaper. i also have an extreme pet peeve when people say you have to "sip" slowly. its not a cup of tea in victorian england, if you can't smoke the blend like a normal man with out tongue bite, its time to admit the truth and move on to a better blend. its not to be mean, but so many of the McClelland bulk aromatics were 100 times better than this for the same price...Read More
December 26, 2024
Product: Lane Limited 1-Q Bulk
Nothing fancy or stuck up about this blend. It's a gentle and pleasing smoke that is perfect.
December 16, 2024
Product: Lane Limited 1-Q Bulk
Light, grassy and - yes - lemony leaves which burn smoothly and easily. The tobacco it contains is all Virginia and it is mildly flavored with Lemon and honey.
December 13, 2024
Product: Lane Limited 1-Q Bulk
Very flavorful and mild smoke. Burns evenly all the way down the bowl.
December 22, 2024
Product: Lane Limited 1-Q Bulk
Nothing about this product smells, tastes, acts, or even looks like tobacco. Tried it in every pipe; used filters, and didn’t use filters; aged in a jar; “sipped” like an old crone drinking limpid tea—though if you need to sip or use a filter the tobacco isn’t any good. The only reason to sip is to not get nic-sic. But this, this putrid golem from hell does not deserve the success it has. We truly live in clown-world....Read More
February 04, 2025
Product: Lane Limited 1-Q Bulk
Classic! Old school taste and room note! The best! Takes one immediately back to smoking your pipe in the 1940's.
January 26, 2025
Product: Lane Limited 1-Q Bulk
This tobacco has a smooth taste and burns evenly without leaving much dottle in the bowl. The aroma is just right, not too heavy but a little more than my usual non-aromatics. Just enough to be a pleasant smoke. It may not ever be my main smoke, but it will stay in my rotation.
January 24, 2025
Product: Lane Limited 1-Q Bulk
Absolutely plain and empty tobacco. How it always on top? I don’t get it.
Tobacco that can be smoked as a daily habit for a long time
January 21, 2025
Product: Lane Limited 1-Q Bulk
As a must-buy tobacco every time, 1-Q has no foreign taste and is relatively smooth. It does not block the throat or irritate the throat. As a daily must-buy tobacco, I will buy it for a long time in the future.