Lane Limited: LL-7 Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 005-006-0008

A mellow, soft, and somewhat sweet number, Lane LL-7 combines toasted Cavendish with premium Burleys and Virginias to create an easy, relaxing smoke with a delightful room-note and a gentle chocolate/toasted marshmallow flavor.

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  • Components: Virginia, Burley, Black Cavendish
  • Family: Aromatic
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
50 reviews
The Perfect Pipe Tobacco Blend
January 23, 2025
Product: Lane Limited LL-7 Bulk
Simply the Very Best Pipe Tobacco Blend! I used to be a Lane Limited 1 Q user but after trying this Tobacco Blend!? This is now my "Go To" Tobacco Blend and the 1 Q is now my second. I was really hesitant on ordering this blend but I've read all the reviews so I said what the heck....Why Not try it!? And it's a great thing that I took a gamble in this Tobacco Blend and it is Indeed a gamble that really paid off! I ordered a 4 oz. but I would be ordering a full pound on the next next order!...Read More
Could cost a lot more
December 01, 2024
Product: Lane Limited LL-7 Bulk
This blend is amazing. I have purchased much more expensive tobacco in my 40 years of piping and this one beats'm. ABSOLUTELY NO BITE, burns cool, and consistent, taste like a quality earthy tobacco with just a hint of sweet. I don't get chocolate from this one but I do get marshmallow. Smokes down to a pure fine powder!...Read More
Yes please!
May 08, 2024
Product: Lane Limited LL-7 Bulk
It's pretty much as advertised, light and fluffy, I'm starting to think that Lane Limited just is the best brand around, everything I've tried from them has been great.
very good!!
March 18, 2024
Product: Lane Limited LL-7 Bulk
smoothe,sweet,I love it!
delightful :)
May 23, 2023
Product: Lane Limited LL-7 Bulk
whatever the casings made of is barely noticeable when holding the tobacco. It doesn't need any drying, though a good half hour or so does enhance the chocolate
New Pipe Smoker
September 07, 2022
Product: Lane Limited LL-7 Bulk
This was the 4th tobacco I’ve tried so far in my pipe journey and as of now it has been the best! It had a pleasant room note of s’mores all throughout and a delicate sweetness happening 3/4 of the way through the bowl, but the last 1/4 was sweeter and richer… very satisfying! I smoked this out of my MM Washington Corn-Cob pipe with a Savinelli charcoal filter. I don’t know if it’s because I feel like I figured out how to pack and light my pipe better or what, but it was a very enjoyable experience for me compared to the other 3 blends I’ve tried!...Read More
Lane LL7
April 08, 2022
Product: Lane Limited LL-7 Bulk
Good for a regular smoke. Even better if mixed with plum pudding or other stronger brands.
Cocoa and Marshmallow
July 13, 2022
Product: Lane Limited LL-7 Bulk
LL-7 is a tasty aromatic with cocoa and toasty marshmallow flavors and excellent burning characteristics. Upgraded to 4.5 because of the blend's exceptional consistency and the immediacy of the flavor on the draw. LL-7 joins RLP-6 and Stokkebye Optimum in my bulk aro rotation, with 1-Q and BCA falling below the cut....Read More
I love this blend!
October 25, 2021
Product: Lane Limited LL-7 Bulk
This blend is a tad finicky when you first light it up...but once it gets going it provides plenty of smoke, and it leaves the mouth feel of chocolate, and smells like delicious chocolate. This is definitely going to be a go-to tobacco for me.
Just the best!
July 22, 2021
Product: Lane Limited LL-7 Bulk
Daily smoker. New or piper for years will love this. I mixed this with several other vapors and it’s about the best room note you will find. Taste is very good. The price is solid
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