Cascadia: Vertical Limit 1.76oz Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-938-0002

Cascadia Pipe Co. embraces a love for the outdoors and encourages pipe smokers to enjoy their hobby in the natural world. In that spirit, Cascadia's tin art and blend names reflect the brand's affinity for Mother Nature. Cascadia offers a variety of blends with the aim of catering to a wide range of preferences.

The Vertical Limit blend boasts an elegant mixture Burley, dark-fired Kentucky, and sweet Virginias. Once mixed, the blend is then pressed into a plug, ensuring the mixture retains its moisture. It's a full-bodied and deep smoke that offers rich, bold flavors.

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  • Components: Virginia, Dark Fired Kentucky, Burley
  • Family: Burley
  • Cut: Plug
Customer Reviews (4 Total)
Overall Rating:
4.13 out of 5 stars
May 28, 2024
Product: Cascadia Vertical Limit 1.76oz
卡斯卡迪亚 极限垂直 生草:浓郁的果香,K草的烟熏。 点火后:烟熏、泥土味重、青草、香料味、坚果、酒韵、深色系果酱、糖浆、柑橘、木香。 口腔里面能感受到:明显的酸甜感,少许蜜甜,会有些许不适感。 烟气方面:整体浓郁,强烈,刺激。需要小口品析。过鼻它会有厚重的烟雾与大量尼古丁和焦油,香料感重。 总的来说:这款草是一款比较有黑暗风格的斗草,它特它特别的风味,让我想起了GH的黑色爱尔兰X。新草这个品牌都不太好控制,需要有一定的年份。当然如果你不在乎这些细节,就不用考虑是否是新草了。
It's good.
October 26, 2023
Product: Cascadia Vertical Limit 1.76oz
Strong Burley forward smoke, has a nice sweetness in background with some tanginess. Noting earth shattering here. The plug is a nice little brick, a little moist and somewhat difficult to slice, the pressed flakes come apart. Next time a little dryi... Read More
Good Tobacco
September 06, 2024
Product: Cascadia Vertical Limit 1.76oz
This is a nice plug tobacco. A bit hard to work compared to some others I've smoked (jack knife for example) but a tasty burley forward blend. Worth a try, though I'll probably not order again.
Strong and delicious
December 06, 2023
Product: Cascadia Vertical Limit 1.76oz
A moist plug,10min drying time. delicious taste, nose and zero bite. well played cascadia!
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