November 07, 2022
Product: Larsen Old Fashioned 100g
Predomina el tabaco virginia con un ligero aroma que puede agradar a todo tipo de fumadores. Una apuesta segura para los amantes de las labores Danesas.
May 27, 2021
Product: Larsen Old Fashioned 100g
I picked this tin up on a whim and was just collecting dust, that is, until one Christmas Eve. My father and grandfather both enjoyed an occasional pipe, and when showing them my cellar of tobacco, we all thought we should enjoy something together. Since my grandfather enjoyed mostly aromatic tobaccos we cracked this open! I had no idea a good quality aromatic could be so enjoyable. Now every Christmas it’s become a tradition to sit together and enjoy a bowl...Read More
June 25, 2020
Product: Larsen Old Fashioned 100g
Este es un buen aromático. Se fuma y se disfruta mejor lentamente, en público no molesta y es aceptado por el dulzor de sus aromas. Tiende a quemar la lengua. Nada especial y, la verdad, no está a la altura de su propio nombre.
February 04, 2019
Product: Larsen Old Fashioned 100g
Nice enough when smoked low and slow. Nice tin aroma, room note is nothing special. Flavor is mild, hard to taste the topping.
July 04, 2018
Product: Larsen Old Fashioned 100g
Burns hot...not as good as 1864
December 05, 2017
Product: Larsen Old Fashioned 100g
After listening to some reviews on YouTube after not seeing any reviews/ratings here I felt like I should step up for this tobaccos honor.
You must smoke this tobacco slow. If burning too hot you will get a very bitter smoke, but if smoked slowly it will give you a lightly sweet taste and aroma. Even I'm hit or miss with it...I smoke it best in the morning, but am too anxious to get a slow smoke at the end of the day.
The room note will not clearly indicate an aromatic smoke and may be similar to a virginia flake or other subtly flavored danish tobaccos.
I like Flakes and good old OTC Carter Hall and I really like Old Fashioned....Read More
June 25, 2023
Product: Larsen Old Fashioned 100g