August 24, 2024
Product: Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
When I started smoking pipes at a very "legal" age, I didn't know what to get so I went for the first thing I could put my hands on which was this one. It's very mild and smells nice, but can't say it's a favorite.
March 25, 2024
Product: Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
Vue tout les commentaire que j'ai pue voir je m'était dit que jamais je n'acheterai ce tabac, et puis un jour en passant dans mon magasin physique, j'ai demander au buraliste a combien coûte la pochette, en entendant le prix de 10€ je me suis dit pourquoi pas.
J'ai rempli une pipe, et a ma première taff j'était comme stupéfait, je me disais que sûrement le mauvais goût ne va pas tarder a arriver, et bizarrement tout le long de la pipe le goût du fruit rouge toujour aussi présent, il a un petit défaut c'est qu'il chauffe un peu la pipe si on tire un peu trop, je déconseille au débutant qui risque de surchauffer leur pipe du a leur manque d'expérience, j'ai relever qu'il piquait légèrement vers la fin de bol, mes sincèrement sa reste très correct, je lui les 4 étoile car pour le prix sais vraiment sympa. Conclusion il ne faut pas trop se fier a ce que les gens disent et goûter pour se fair son propre avis. J'ai déjà fumer 2 paquet de celui-ci, j'entame le troisième et il est toujours aussi savoureux. Peut être mon tabac fruit rouge préférer car abordable et facile a trouver....Read More
Wow, all these bad reviews!
October 08, 2023
Product: Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
This is one of my favorite blends! I have smoked this for 20 years! Don't bite if you know how to smoke it!
December 15, 2022
Product: Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
Package note of Cherry, mild sweet fruit and rich earth. Tobacco is ribbon cut and mostly reddish-brown with a tiny amount of black and tan. Moisture content is a little high, drying may be needed. Burns fast with few relights. The strength is mild and nic is mild. Flavoring is medium, with notes of sweet and mild cherries. Taste is medium and somewhat consistent, with notes of sugar sweet, wood, toasted bread, hay, dry earth, mildly spicy, a mild lemon grass background note, and a moderately peppery retro. Cavendish is leading with Virginias supporting. Flavoring assist more in the beginning than in the end. Room note is very pleasant, and aftertaste is ok....Read More
December 27, 2021
Product: Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
I didn't like the aroma, but I understand If something else like it.
September 27, 2020
Product: Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
There’s a little bit of cherry but mostly it bites...a lot. Won’t buy again, lastly; overpriced for what it is. Super Value cherry is better!
February 20, 2020
Product: Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
The plus side is if you by this blend off of smoking pipes it’s at least cheap.
September 24, 2018
Product: Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
One night stand...!
August 29, 2018
Product: Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
Was expecting to be decent but I was wrong almost no cherry and terrible mouth bite, buy the vanilla cavendish instead much better
February 05, 2018
Product: Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish 1.5oz
Average aromatic in my opinion. I would prefer to stick with the black Cavendish or original borkum riff.