December 23, 2024
Product: Cornell & Diehl Bourbon Bleu 8oz
I ordered more after one tin. The bourbon flavor is very slight and almost not there; rather than a taste of booze, the bowl develops a faint sweetness akin to honey as it burns through. I would say this is a very good aro for anyone who ... doesn't prefer aros? ;)
Great nuanced blend of Sweetness and Spice
January 10, 2025
Product: Cornell & Diehl Bourbon Bleu 2oz
I picked up this blend on a whim and my initial thoughts were that it was good, but not amazing. I thought the casing took away from the blend. Now, a few bowls later and my opinion has changed. It is sweet from the casing and a very smooth smoke with some nice spice. It is clear this blend is meant to be cellared for a while, but even after a few weeks of the cake sitting in the jar it has shown improvement. Definitely wouldn’t hesitate to buy again....Read More
April 03, 2024
Product: Cornell & Diehl Bourbon Bleu 2oz
I've been smoking this for years and never realized it had dark fired Kentucky leaf in it. Dark fired Kentucky usually hits me right between the eyes. However this is a very mellow blend that works in just about all my pipes. The bourbon is a great addition for this blend!
March 25, 2023
Product: Cornell & Diehl Bourbon Bleu 2oz
A good tobacco for Virginia and perique lovers, but I didn't get that much bourbon flavor from my experience.
November 14, 2022
Product: Cornell & Diehl Bourbon Bleu 8oz
Tin note of tangy stewed figs, liquor, and Rasins. The orange, tan and brown marbled Krumble Kake easily breaks apart and rub out. The tobacco is quite moist, drying is needed. Burns slow with a few relights. The strength is mild to medium and nic is mild. I can't detect any Bourbon. Taste is medium and mostly consistent, with notes of lemon grass, sweet bread, wood, earth, tangy raisin, floral, mild dry nuts, mild baking spices, and a moderately peppery retro. Virginias are leading with Perique playing backup. Dark Fired Kentucky is supporting. The bourbon is upwind somewhere. Room note is pleasant to tolerable, and aftertaste is good....Read More
October 08, 2022
Product: Cornell & Diehl Bourbon Bleu 8oz
Opened a year old tin. This blend is, dare I say, one of the best I’ve had in the last five years. Primarily smoking out of cob or meerschaum, this blend is consistent. A nice balance of Virginia and Perique with the Kentucky as supporting cast. The hint bourbon is only noticeable if you had a straight VaPer to compare to; and it’s a welcome sweet subtle presence.
This cheerful flavor with warm aroma is constant till the end as all the tobacco slowly turns to white ash. An easy light, forgiving smoke, is enjoyed with a good steady cadence.
After picking up another tin, it is for sure my 2nd favorite blend of all time. I transitioned to smoking in a bent brandy Peterson. For whatever reason, the spice really comes out of the Perique in the Briar; where it’s more of a supporting role out of the Meerschaum. Pairs nicely with a citrus ale or tea. The Kentucky really brings a robust cigar-like flavor that settles into the room note in welcome way. The bourbon and perhaps the Virginias impart a sweetness on the roof our your mouth working with that room note that stays in the nose a while after a smoke. I love this blend.
Go ahead, buy it....Read More
December 12, 2021
Product: Cornell & Diehl Bourbon Bleu 2oz
This cake is a little misleading, it came rather dry and was more of a woodsy almost burley character to it. Very faint on the bourbon note, honestly probably a good thing, and not much in the way of perique. But ultimately I wouldn’t mind having it again, but there our other choices out there when it comes to the boozy flavors....Read More
July 14, 2021
Product: Cornell & Diehl Bourbon Bleu 2oz
Mild virginia flavour with a splash of boozey goodness. Second c&d thing ive tried and i enjoy it a lot and it's on the re-order list. I'll keep this on hand always, and jar 2 to forget about for a year or two.
Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans!?
April 19, 2021
Product: Cornell & Diehl Bourbon Bleu 2oz
Holy smokers this is good stuff! The different tobaccos melted together in pleasant harmony. I felt like I was back on the street listening to the band digging into my second bowl of red beans! Not really but it did remind me of Bourbon St. Oh how I miss her. This is a solid smoke from beginning to end though. The feeling's getting stronger, the longer I stay away. Miss the moss covered vines, the tall sugar pines!...Read More
I'd I could have all of this, it wouldn't be enough
February 25, 2021
Product: Cornell & Diehl Bourbon Bleu 2oz
I love this tobacco. It pains me to wait a decade to have it so I order 2 tins at a time. One for now, and we'll see how long before I crack into the other one...