Cornell & Diehl: Sam's Blend 2oz Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 003-016-0165

Cornell & Diehl's Sam's Blend is an exceptionally smooth blend of Cyprian Latakia, Perique, and unsweetened black Cavendish.
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  • Components: Latakia, Perique, Black Cavendish
  • Family: English
  • Cut: Ribbon
Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
10 reviews
Crude Oil
October 11, 2023
Product: Cornell & Diehl Sam's Blend 2oz
This is a solid smoke if you love thick plumes and a very strong kick. Like smoking crude oil in the best way possible.
August 10, 2023
Product: Cornell & Diehl Sam's Blend 2oz
You can smoke for complete. I usually dont enjoy the last part of my smoke way, but with this blend i can smoke for complete. Is soft and easy smoke. No mistakes .
Terrible Blend
May 13, 2022
Product: Cornell & Diehl Sam's Blend 2oz
I don't know who this Sam guy was but I'm almost positive he had no sense of taste. The tobacco is ridiculously wet, even after a year of sitting in a opened tin. Initial taste was in what only way to describe it as salty wet gym socks and after a year of aging it hasn't gotten any better. It's in no way cool or smooth, on the contrary it burns hot and wet and will ruin a good pipe. Stay away from this blend....Read More
First bowl
October 21, 2020
Product: Cornell & Diehl Sam's Blend 2oz
I've had only one bowl so far but, I have to say, this is a great blend. Great for just sitting in a comfy spot and thinking about things that make you happy.

Also, i have two black labs. So maybe a little bias.
Excellent blend
December 20, 2019
Product: Cornell & Diehl Sam's Blend 2oz
Maybe some of you will consider this as being a blend that lacks complexity. Might be, but this is an awesome blend. Consistent flavor, nice plumes of smoke and very tasty. Couldn't get it to bite, no relights and a very good taste. For me the latakia is upfront, without being a lat bomb. The cavendish brings a bit of sweetness, even without toppings. Perique is very light, you can taste it in the background from time to time. One of my new favorite blend. too bad they don't have it in bulk as well....Read More
Just as it starts to get good...
October 26, 2020
Product: Cornell & Diehl Sam's Blend 2oz's over. This blend has to be at least 80% BC. The latakia and perique are used somewhat sparingly it kind of leaves you disappointed. Sure it's creamy and produces a billows of smoke but there's just not enough going on here to latch onto and enjoy. If you love Black Cavendish being the star of the show with minor appearances from other tobaccos then this is for you. Those looking for flavor and complexity will be disappointed. That being said, this blend does start to take on some character during the second half of the bowl. Finally, nearing the end, it actually begins becoming somewhat rich, but just as this happens, it's over....Read More
December 13, 2018
Product: Cornell & Diehl Sam's Blend 2oz
I wish the dog was smokeing a pipe -1 star
Simple satisfaction
October 12, 2018
Product: Cornell & Diehl Sam's Blend 2oz
this blend is simple and that’s why I like it, tin note is leathery and Smokey, smokes cool with little to no tongue, is easily my favourite go to blend, I can see myself smoking this well into the future (wish they had the 8oz tins)
May 24, 2019
Product: Cornell & Diehl Sam's Blend 2oz
Its like if mississippi mud was a beer, this blend would be ultra light..why bother? Regret it..
Perfectly Pleasant!
October 05, 2016
Product: Cornell & Diehl Sam's Blend 2oz
Great, easy to enjoy, easy to keep lit tobacco to go with those dreary, overcast days. Really liked it. "Easy" is perhaps the best word to describe it; it's not complex or nuanced by any stretch of the imagination, but what you see is what you get, and that's just fine by me.
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