Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: Rodeo Pipe Tobacco

Product Number: 005-001-0101

Founded in Kendal, Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. has fashioned quality pipe tobacco since 1887, utilizing processes and techniques that date to 1792. The Cumbria-based company prioritizes natural tobacco flavor, and in many of their mixtures, Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. maintains the standards enforced by the United Kingdom's strict purity laws of the 19th and 20th centuries — such laws dictating how much and what type of flavorings could be added to pipe tobacco and ensuring that sub-quality leaf wasn't hidden under the veil of exorbitant toppings.

Gawith, Hoggarth & Co.'s Rodeo is a blend of bright Brazilian and Indian tobaccos mixed with dark Indonesian and Indian leaf.

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  • Components: Virginia, Orientals
  • Family: Virginia
  • Cut: Shag
Customer Reviews
Overall Rating:
2 reviews
Dear Rodeo, I'd be lying if I tried to tell you I don't think about you....
January 24, 2025
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Rodeo Bulk
Ribbon cut, fairly moist out of the bag but I shoved it in the pipe and set flame to it. Struggled a bit to get it lit, and needs average amounts of relights. Bag note is a mix of sweet and sour with a hint of smokiness. Almost a cross between dark fried and Ismir. Very smooth, good mouth feel. It tastes a little green if you push it, but on the retro I pull out almost an Ismir flavor with hints of coffee and a slight tinge of baking chocolate. 2/3's the way through it gets bolder with the earthy/peaty notes. Overall a really nice smoke. Take it easy on your cadence, sips are best, it could bite if you push it. Give it a few minutes to dry and you should be just fine. If you like Ismir leaf give this a shot. I might be getting the Ismir confused with a hint of essence, but they are pretty close either way. A bright light in troubling times. CJ Approved....Read More
is this really a flake?
January 24, 2025
Product: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Rodeo Bulk
Is this really a flake?
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