Customer Reviews (60 Total)
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Great tobacco!
February 18, 2017
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
I love the ready rubbed and tin both. The RR is more convenient though. I like to take St. Bruno with me when I travel because it's dependable, I get a good smoke every time. It is slightly floral, but not in the same way Lakeland type blends are. Br... Read More
itish tobacco's all tend to be more hearty, meaty, earthy and this is no exception. The RR is ready to smoke right out of the pouch, but you may want to let it dry for a little while from the tin. Read Less
All Time Favorite!
February 25, 2018
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
This review is in regard to both the Flake and the Ready Rubbed versions of St. Bruno as they taste identical to me.
I discovered Condor before St. Bruno even came to our side of the pond (U.S.) and I fell head over heals for the stuff, hard and f... Read More
ast! When I finally got around to trying St. Bruno Flake & Ready Rubbed I didn't think much of it, I thought it tasted like a light, weak version of the almighty Condor. Over a period of about a year I kept going back to St. Bruno to check up on it so to speak and I was always left feeling good knowing that Condor will always be my go to.... then something happened.... maybe I got a little softer in my older age but damnit if St. Bruno ain't just the perfect smoke. It's got dark Virginia's to add depth, a little Dark Fired for complexity and spice and the subtle top dressing is just enough to keep things interesting with it's complex fruity/floral components that work synergistically to weave a beautiful tapestry that I consider an absolute masterpiece. As with anything of course you'll hear about the glory days of yesteryear and how it's just a shell of it's former self but hell, it's one of the best tobacco blends I've ever gotten my hands (palate) on so Mac Baren is doing something right. I find that the top flavors come out a little better in a tall and narrow bowl and I actually prefer this one right out of the tin/pouch as it seems to smoke just fine with the moisture level it's packed with, which is odd for me cause I usually prefer to air out my tobacco until it's just short of crispy. This one has plenty of nicotine to satisfy the addict and enough to give the novice a nice warm buzz, it's not too over the top in any shape or form and I now consider this one my holy grail all day smoke. I'll always have a place in my heart for Condor but I prefer to use that more as a treat than an all day smoke. Yes there are a lot of similarities between this and Condor which one fits your fancy? Only you can decide but I would say they're both worth trying at least once and if you're anything like me you just might find a place for both in your rotation.
ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL (both RR and Flake cuts) Read Less
Smooth Satisfaction,
January 06, 2020
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Some ready rubs are not like the flake versions. Have no fear, this ready rubbed is the same quality recipe as the flake version. The only difference, it’s already broken up, rubbed out for you. The dark fired Kentucky leaf and Virginia, together wi... Read More
th a very conservative amount of tonquin bean extract, make for quite a satisfying smoke. So glad this has been reintroduced into the states. I smoke this daily. Read Less
Great dessert
July 13, 2021
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
If you use the right pipe, the right filling, and the perfect lighting, you can get a nice smoke and a sweet treat. Sometimes it's just spicy, but when you get it right, it's fascinating. The sweetness is obvious and smoky with a hint of chocolate, w... Read More
hich is perhaps the charm of Kentucky. Holy cloth is worthy of these comments Read Less
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
December 08, 2021
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
商品の説明文によると1800年代末期からあるレシピらしいとのこと。注文したきっかけはsmokingpipeのブログを読んで興味を持ったことだったが、今はすっかり虜になってしまった。決して複雑なブレンドではないようだが、このしつこくない着香と相まって、シンプルかつ豊かな風味を編み出しているように感じた。これを上手く説明する語彙力がないが、自分にとって適度な甘さと適度な香り、着火のしやすさと味わいやすさ、ついつい手が伸びてしまうブレンドだ。一世紀以上愛されてきた理由もわかる。なお個人的な好みだが、最... Read More
初に開封する時に限って、ほんの少し乾燥させたほうが、より深い味わいになる気がしている。一日中パイプを咥えている人にとって常喫に向くブレンドとも言える。とは言えパイプに火を付ける時間は全て特別な時間だろうから、多くのパイプスモーカーにとってその特別な時間をと共に過ごしたいベストチョイスになりうる銘柄ではないだろうか。 Read Less
December 26, 2020
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Dark fired Kentucky and Virginia are first rate in this pouch! Will buy many more again
Whatever they're doing, hope they keep it up.
June 19, 2019
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
St. Bruno ready-rubbed is quite something. Been reading reviews for some time. Decided to take the plunge. A swan dive into some wonderful tobacco flavor. Have read some folks call the underlying nuance seems "perfumey" or "soapy"... Read More
.. but, neither of those fit the bill for myself. I'm getting a base of the rich dark-fired Kentucky and sweetness of Virginas.. and whatever the subtle note is, its just the right amount to bring it all home. Burns much better than expected, for the moisture content. Leaving a pleasant after-taste. Going into the rotation without a 2nd thought. Read Less
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
酸酸的甜甜的 营养高味道好🥰
November 19, 2020
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
This is absolutely the best and my go to all day smoke. I’ve been smoking pipe for about 5 years around 2-3 bowls a day and have tried just about everything out there that’s had the interest of the YTPC and others. Last but not least just stumbled al... Read More
ong and found a unicorn of a tobacco. The floral notes are perfect and mix well with the sweet but not to sweet Virginia’s it’s lightly smoky as well from the perfect blending of the dark fired Kentucky. Out of a 1-10 I give this a strong 8.5-9 as it is a bit moist however very smokable right out of the pouch or tin Read Less
Nice Smoke!
June 29, 2018
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Yes,I'm a Condor Plug junkie. No doubt about it, but St. Bruno scratches the itch I have or the ready rubbed version of Condor that i can't get anymore.Is it the same???.NO! But something about it just hits a home run for me...the "weez"...... Read More
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British Staple
October 12, 2017
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
I find some faint similarities with Old Gowrie by Rattrays, although this has more nic, and no perique, light floral topping is present with some fruity raisiny notes,and of course Dark Fired Kentucky provides some additional depth and strength to th... Read More
is blend, on my experience this tobacco benefits from some airing prior to smoke and has to be smoked slowly in order to avoid possibly bite, nicotine is solid medium,for convenience sake I prefer RR version over the flake,Both are equally good stuff.
moreover, due to being somewhat challenging tobacco and then, arguably I wouldn't recommend this to brand new smokers.S Bruno is a genuine British classic being in production since 1905 .Today This is manufactured by McBarens and they do this very well as expected.quality is top-notch. Read Less
July 19, 2023
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
奔着5星点的 打开后的酸甜花香李子扑鼻 烟草手指碾一下会有点粘手 湿度不错 点燃后入口直接给到柔和的花香和热带水果风味 如果说金丝雀很垃圾因为没有吃口 这个草的吃口就已经比金丝雀闻着还香很多 最让人喜欢的是吃口的花香和果香后带给我的是饱满的烟熏味 还没有辣舌 最后过鼻非常柔和 在过鼻的最后会有浓烈的烟火气 非常棒 这草并不会让人感到奢华 但每一口都非常扎实 香味给的非常狂野但是并不让人发腻 看了一下sp关于品牌的介绍是英国利物浦的草 所以用英国诗人西格里夫·萨松的一句诗来形容这款草 “In m... Read More
e the tiger sniffs the rose” 心有猛虎 细嗅蔷薇 在sp记录一下 希望中国类似泰勒这样的up主和烟贩子们不要恶意炒高 扎实的烟草让大家都能买到最好不过了 Read Less
ST Bruno, 和一个老朋友的聊天
December 11, 2022
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Just like an old friend
December 11, 2022
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
On the afternoon of the weekend, finish the work at hand. And boil a pot of red tea. When you begin a bowl, it makes you feel relaxed easily. Unlike SG or something else, those Virginia tobaccos need to pay attention to smoking and capturing the tast... Read More
e. It just needs to be lit, and it can burn well. It naturally emits the aroma of baking, with a little bit of fruit fragrance and acid, making half an hour's relaxation more comfortable. It's like being with an old friend and having a chat without a word. They are very relaxed. Read Less
A legend for a reason
March 18, 2022
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Easy to see why this pipe tobacco is a legend worldwide. Smooth and flavorful with no harshness or bite. Received in 2 days from SP and have ordered more.
Amazing Blend!
April 15, 2021
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Sweet dark fired taste with some spice and a great flavor. I mean flavour :) This is another all-time favorite. Smoke this with some chai and live life to the fullest!
Strong Mix of Oak and Geranium/Tonka Bean
February 15, 2021
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
An old and well-established favorite among the pipe community, St Bruno is a classic. Really, a quite stout (high nicotine) mixture. The Dark Fired, combined with the Tonka Bean and Geranium oils, makes for a quite assertive flavor. A very slight,... Read More
and I mean slight sweetness, comes from the VA and Dark Fired, but the smoky, earthy, oaky Dark Fired is what's most prominent. The Geranium and Tonka can be overwhelming for some, including me, if smoked in too large a chamber. It can get cloying with a long smoke and terribly astringent if pushed. I prefer this in a smaller pipe such as the more traditional Ropp stummels. A little goes a long way with St Bruno. It's one every pipe smoker should try. Nicotine is 3 - 3.5 out of 5. Read Less
The UK version of a "codger blend"
January 31, 2021
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Like a classic MG or Jaguar, this ready rubbed tobacco is an idiosyncratic combination of pleasure and frustration. The pouch note is barbecue sauce, or malt vinegar and campfire Latakia if you will... pretty sure there's no Latakia in it, but to the... Read More
nose I would swear there is, always get a hint of campfire opening a pouch. Seems to benefit from a little drying time and a little further rubbing out before putting in the pipe. However, no matter how I pack it, the first quarter of the bowl is hot and bites a bit, no matter the cadence no matter the pipe...once it settles down it's a very pleasant smoke. After that first quarter of the bowl, St Bruno is very consistent to the end, It has a moderate clean soapy flavor, not so much a perfumed soap as just a good clean refreshing note. There's a moderate amount of nicotine as well. The analogy to the British cars above comes from the fact that it's kind of hard to start, LOL, can randomly get wet over the course of a smoke, like a leaky convertible top, and stalls frequently, i.e. requires a few relights. St Bruno is at least consistent from pouch to pouch with all of these seeming negatives, I find myself picking up a pouch a few times a year and rather enjoying it... once you get it started it's a consistently mild aromatic smoke, with a little more body and nicotine than a full black Cavendish aromatic, and in terms of aroma, I really can't describe it as anything much more than "clean soap", that bears basically no resemblance to the quirky ketchup and campfire pouch note. I don't recall ever smoking it when it was made by Ogden's of Liverpool, but it has stayed very consistent pouch to pouch over the past few years. I apologize if this is not exactly a ringing endorsement or particularly interesting review ; + )... it's a quirky and sometimes frustrating tobacco, but I pick up a few pouches every year. The bottom three quarters of the bowl is worth the initial harshness, relights, and seemingly random excess moisture! The tobacco doesn't leave wet dottle, but it's one of the few tobaccos I have to run a pipe cleaner through over the course of smoking. Since we can't get Condor over here, this is a way to experience a UK OTC. Plus the old '70s TV ads for St Bruno are pretty funny... Read Less
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
All I can say is everything works in this tobacco. The DFK and Virginia + toppings = one helluva good smoke!
December 26, 2020
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Dark fired Kentucky and Virginia are first rate in this pouch! Will buy many more again
Staple as of Late
September 20, 2020
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
St. Bruno Ready Rubbed is slightly sweet, tangy and excellent. Not sure why it is categorized as an aromatic. The leaf seems to be of quality. The Dark Fired and Virgina are well balanced. It is a great tobacco that has stood the test of time, wi... Read More
th good reason. Read Less
Simply The Best
May 24, 2020
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
A delicious tobacco. A soft dark Virginia taste with a smokey note from the Kentucky. Topping is Bergamot/Lavender with a a honey/amber aftertaste. My number 1 tobacco and a must try!
Why pay more for the same great tobacco?
January 23, 2020
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
St. Bruno Flake has been around for decades and is often included on must-try Virginia lists. You may have even seen one of the old TV commercials on YouTube, they're quite funny. Or, maybe you've heard that St. Bruno was the patron saint of pipe smo... Read More
kers, though I could not verify that one. What we have here is a Ready Rubbed version of that famous Virginia and dark fired Kentucky Flake where the Virginias seem aged to perfection. It is very Virginia forward, with the Kentucky in a supporting role and carries a somewhat sweet flora aroma in the pouch. Deep red to brown in color, this is not a bright Virginia of grassy notes, but rather a rich and tangy flavor comparable to ketchup or BBQ sauce. That's not to say St. Bruno tastes like either, but it has that same sweet and spicy combination with an obvious vinegar aroma. In my opinion, the uniqueness of St. Bruno's flavor comes from their use of vinegar as a preservative. This does nothing to harm the Virginia though, in fact, it's all the better for it. It helps cut the bite of the Kentucky and mellow the overall flavor into an always cool tasting smoke. I've actually tried to smoke this as hot as I could and never came close to tongue bite. So, how does it compare to St. Bruno Flake? As near as I can tell, this is identical to buying St. Bruno Flake and rubbing it out yourself for a lot less money. The Flake version often costs half again as much as the Ready Rubbed pouch where the work's been done for you. The pouch actually works well to keep the tobacco fresh too, maybe even better than the square-style Flake tin. The tobacco comes moist but smoke-able, but I let mine air-dry one or two full days just for ease of lighting and keeping it lit. This tobacco can hold it's moisture for a lot longer, so don't be afraid of it drying out quickly. Both versions of St. Bruno age superbly. The sugars in the Virginias combine with the vinegar easily making this sweet enough to smoke anytime of day or even as a palate cleanser between smokes. With a little age it smokes much sweeter too, like you'd expect from quality Virginia. Whether you've had St. Bruno Flake and wished it didn't cost so much or you're just looking to try a unique old Virginia tobacco without the hassle of prepping flakes, St. Bruno Ready Rubbed could be just what you're looking for. Enjoy. Read Less
An Old Friend
June 24, 2024
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
I was introduced to St. Bruno in the Early 1990’s when I was a Grad Student. I loved it then. I started smoking pipes again a few months ago. St. Bruno is still a favorite of mine. I do think it’s bits less than 30 years ago, but maybe I’ve learned h... Read More
ow to smoke it. Like most tobaccos, it needs to be gently sipped. Could do with some dry time when just opened. Read Less
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
烟草状态。开盒后,香气有点与众不同,与普通的v 草闻起来不一样,整体感觉油性很大,揉草的时候感觉像在揉L草。
An Odd Duck, but Good
October 08, 2023
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
I’ve been on a quest of late to find any blend where I can actually taste something, not just smell it. I’ve smoked English, Scottish, and Balkan blends for so long my tongue is teflon-coated. I’ve heard of St. Bruno’s, so I ordered a pouch. The f... Read More
irst few bowls…meh. However, the more I’ve smoked this, the more I can pick up the taste of the casing and, surprisingly enough, the more I can taste the actual tobacco. It’s mild, to be sure, but I’m beginning to appreciate that. Definitely worth trying, and I think another pouch or two is in the future. Read Less
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
If someone wanted to become acquainted with Dark Fired Kentucky for the first time this would be a good place to start,the Virginia rounds over the sharp edges of the DFK into a mild smoke.Don`t be mislead by the OTC comments this is top shelf tobacc... Read More
o. Read Less
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
August 03, 2023
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
July 16, 2023
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Outstanding tobacco my favorite
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Dard Plum Sauce
April 05, 2023
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Smells like a can of dard plum sauce, brings me deep dard fantasy. But it is knida bold under the sweet & sour aroma.
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Good Taste
October 20, 2022
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Taste very sweet! Really good!
Great OTC Blend
September 18, 2022
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
I tried this after seeing it on the mystery tobacco review. I have to say that when I first tried this fresh I was not impressed at all, so I jarred it and left it alone for about 6 months. After letting it age a bit I tried it again and was very sur... Read More
prised at just how much I enjoyed it. It smoked smooth, easy, and effortlessly. The flavor has mellowed and melded into a sublime smoke. I would absolutely recommend this blend to others who enjoy a good Virginia and DFK blend with some added flavoring. My advice would be if you don’t like it at first give it a little time to age and try it again - you may be pleasantly surprised as I was. Read Less
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
A good va/per
May 05, 2022
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Has a unique top note, though not quite floral. Well worth smoking sip style, burns slow, has a good flavor, maybe a slight nutty hint along with the slightest touch of dried prune or fig.
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
这款V中调味可算是找到了完美的平衡 新手斗友必入的一款草 由V转L的必经之路 慢慢品尝 梅子酸味中掺杂V草的香甜 完美 必囤口粮之一 换吸必备利器
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
A New Favorite
November 19, 2021
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
I ordered a pouch of this off of the strength of a Mystery Tobacco Review. It sounded like something I might enjoy. I opened the pouch and was a little confused by the smell, but clearly I got over it and dove in head first. This has become the bl... Read More
end that I take with me when I'm going out somewhere. It's slightly more moist than I like my tobacco, but that works out perfectly for me, since I throw a few bowls worth in a tobacco pouch and it slowly dries out as the day goes on. It's easy to pack, easy to light and keep lit, and it tastes incredible. I've blown through several pouches of this and a tin of the flake. I only wish this was sold in bulk. I would buy it by the pound. Read Less
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
A real nostalgia smoke for me. When as a foolish teenager I nicked my dad's pipe and loaded it up with what I found in the drawer, this was the tobacco I got (Although an earlier (Ogden's?) version). Throughout my pipe smoking time, regardless of wha... Read More
t other smart blends I have had in my rotation, this one has always been there. It's all been said by other reviewers about the flavour profile of this blend. For me it's a decent tobacco that comes with happy memories of a time long gone and of people no longer with us. Read Less
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
By far the best OTC I’ve had ever. Wish the price was a bit mor reasonable or it was available in bulk but it smokes great.
My most recent pouch had some age or mold not sure I’m not dead yet so I’ll go with the earlier.
Basically the mixture is not bad but not outstanding either
October 26, 2020
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
I smoke this mixture for the first time. I am a fan of Virginia / Perique blends. I always liked DFK. I had read a lot about Saint Bruno before and probably expected more. Basically the mixture is not bad but not outstanding either. There are no emit... Read More
ting flavors while smoking, but there is a slight citrus aftertaste. Slight tingling of the tongue, hardly noticeable. I don’t think it will be my frequent tobacco, but from time to time I will say goodbye to it. Read Less
St Bruno Ready Rubbed
October 02, 2020
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
A great semi-aromatic tobacco with a healthy dose of dark fired leaf and a topping of rose geranium and tonquin. Has a decent amount of nicotine, but not overpowering. Will ghost a briar or cob if smoked frequently. One of my favorite blends.
Lovely Aroma and taste
July 14, 2020
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
I am a big fan of Condor pipe tobacco which is only available in UK and possibly Europe. A rep at recommended St. Bruno as a substitute. This tobacco lightly resembles Condor but it is definitely not Condor. Having said that, I am ... Read More
very pleased with this blend. Too bad they just ran out of stock. Read Less
But is it St. Bruno?
January 24, 2020
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
This is a very good rubbed flake. Very high quality. BUT...It barely resembles St. Bruno. The flake is completely different, the texture is completely different. The Lakeland cover is all but absent. This is the slowest smoking tobacco I have ever e... Read More
ncountered--smoke it a small pipe unless you want a two hour smoke. St. Bruno was a paper thin flake with visible sugar crystals--again, here entirely absent. It tastes like St. Bruno did after the floral notes burned off. I need some Condor, I guess. Very good on its own merit but no Cigar. Read Less
Rich fruits and sweetness, a little zing in the nose and lingering tingle on the mouthful, along with delicious Virginas in the retro, and then some faint lingering woodiness and hints of dark fired Kentucky (which give that little tingle too).
July 13, 2018
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
[Tin/bag - Initial wiff of sharp syrup/rum/spirits or something hit me in the throat, sweet - maybe raisiny, a little leather, and almost a faint vinegar. Longer crumpled cut strands like a ready rubbed flake would be, a little thicker than typical ... Read More
ribbon cut and straighter too. Some moisture in the pouch, had to dry some in front of a fan for quick access (10 mins).]
Sugary molasses just a touch that quickly gives excellent Virginia yellow hay notes. Really tastey lightup. Some slight nip to it in the nose on the retro, and then a little woodiness in there. Every once in a while some bitterness in the aftertaste. I attribute the nip and bitterness to some dark fired Kentucky, but I do not sense smokiness. Little bit of tingle on the tongue after exhale with secondary tastings of the after taste. Nice, rich, more robust and full mouth flavor, along with some fruitiness. A sense of vanilla here and there in the mix lingering on the side and back of the tongue. I catch a few hints of the floral notes people have mentioned. I really like the Virginias on the retro the most, and then the richer sweets of fruit, and there ever so faintly, is some leftover smoke and woodiness in the nicely blended in dark fired Kentucky. Enjoyable, there is quite a bit going on here it seems.
I tried this one out, over popping any of my tins, for the price point. Amongst a little mixed reviews, it seems to indicate that tin vs pouch are the same, or so similar, that I will probably not detect enough difference. It's very good, but probably not going to be a mainstay for me, as I just don't sense it will be something that crosses my mind first when I go to pick up the pipe. However, it should be nice here and there and I will keep some on hand, but about 5 tins should last me past the Apocalypse and into the grave with me favoring others in my cellar.
Stays nice and fairly cool throughout the bowl, with little to no relights needed. ◄7/10✠Skulls► Read Less
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
Maybe it's not the St. Bruno of ye olde days, but it's good enough and a favorite.
Prefer the Tin
January 25, 2017
Product: St. Bruno Ready Rubbed 1.75oz
I am a big fan of St. Bruno. It has everything I want in a "fruity/floral" English blend. Unfortunately, there is a reason I gravitate towards tinned flake tobacco and this is a great example. It took me til about the middle of the bowl ... Read More
of this ready rubbed to taste what it was that I was looking for. Still a great blend and still 4 dollars less than the tin - but in the future I'll pay the extra few bucks and get what I really came for. Read Less